Gift Of The Fading

Start from the beginning

"Get away from him! I'll kill you both, I swear to god!" Ink sighed before ignoring them entirely. He entered the cell before reaching for Classic. He shoved him to the floor before searching for Classic's soul. Pulling it into the open, he watched as tears flooded from the small skeleton. The sight sent guilt eating at him. Classic never deserved this, but there was no going back either. 

"Here. Inject it so we can stop scaring him..." Dream frowned before nodding hesitantly.

"Someone's going soft."

"I'm not soft, he just doesn't deserve to be terrified as he is. I don't want to make him suffer is all. He's a good kid." A hand snatched the soul before Dream scoffed slightly.

"He's a tool. We may be the same kind, but his bloodline was created to bring destruction. They can not become normal people. They will remain merely monsters." Before Ink could speak, he was silenced by Dream sliding the needle into the soul. Classic let out a scream as his body jerked under Ink's weight. His pain was apparent and the two in the remaining cells were becoming more aggressive. Ink frowned before trying to ease the skeleton as the drugs kicked in. His pain was soon exchanged with a need for sleep. He groaned slightly as Ink snatched the soul back and placed it back into safety. Trailing a finger lightly over Classic's head, Ink spoke low so only he could hear.

"I'm so sorry... I was a fool and I hope someday you'll forgive me." Error and Horror watched as rage was oozing off them. Classic had grown unconscious rather quickly, cutting out the pain he was feeling. Even so, neither were willing to ever forgive the actions done. All they could do in that moment was watch Ink carry Classic from the cell. He moved slowly up the stairwell, leaving Dream with them. They both glared before he laughed.

"Don't look at me like that. I'm simply walking in my brother's shoes. He would have done the same to me no doubt, just remember that. He is heartless. He can never love, nor have a family of his own. I will see him fall without dirtying my own hands. Good day to you both." Without another word Dream left, the doors closing loudly. Error leaned against the bars. He was frustrated and scared. His duty was to protect Classic and he had failed. He feared what would happen to Classic, but he couldn't do anything. They were both trapped and awaiting whatever was to come. It was pathetic.

Classic opened his eyes to see himself beneath a massive oak. It was familiar to him, though he was having trouble pin pointing the origins. He sighed lightly before watching the clouds roll above. Each cloud created its own image, painting the sky with detail. Classic could hear approaching footsteps, but his body remained relaxed. It was as if he was trusting of the approaching figure.

"Brother? Why are you out here all alone?" Classic felt his head snap toward the figure, his heart leaping. Papyrus stood before him, a gentle expression on his features. He gave a short chuckle before sitting beside him.

"Papyrus, is that really you?" The question drew a brief smile as he nodded. His eyes watched the scenery before him.

"This reminds me of home. The old oak in the back where you would rest by the hour. There were so many good memories, don't you think?" 

"How are you here?" The question drew a saddened look. Papyrus frowned before forcing himself to smile.

"Our blood keeps us connected. There is only one way we meet in this world, you know that. I wish I could have seen you again in person. Given you a hug. Toriel told me the truth about why you left. Seems you still found yourself in trouble, no?" Classic chuckled softly before nodding. Papyrus pulled his brother into a hug, something wet hitting Classic's skull. "I really wish I could see you again. Watch your future build. See you get married. I truly wish you could see me grow up, but it's already too late. It feels like just yesterday you were fleeing the kingdom with me in tow. Thank you for being the brother I needed. You put your needs away just for me, which I owe you greatly. As a goodbye gift, I want to give you my magic and soul. Combine them."

"What happens if we do that? Why are you talking like you're..." Papyrus gave a sad smile. "No... NO! You can't be..."

"I'm sorry brother. I truly am. I wish to remain a part of you before I vanish, so grant me this one request. We were made the same way, not birthed. Combine our souls and finish what our father started. My goal was for peace, but my trust lies in you. I believe you will bring about a new era, one for the better." Tears trailed Classic's skull as his sobs filled the growing silence. 

"I don't want you to leave..." 

"I know brother, but this is my fate. I love you dearly and am glad we were family. You are kind, so don't ever lose that, okay?" Classic nodded before he glanced toward Papyrus. His brother was slowly fading, pain rocketing around Classic's body. Sorrow hit him in full. Papyrus sighed before holding out his soul, Classic controlled his breathing before grabbing it.

"I love you Paps..." Papyrus hugged Classic tighter, his own tears falling.

"I love you too brother. Until we meet again!" Sadness gripped Classic as he felt his brother's form vanish. Even in the dreamscape, Papyrus' dust remained before him. He felt so broken inside. His one true joy in life was gone. Glancing at the soul, he frowned before removing his own. 

"Until we meet again it is. I'll see you someday, I promise Paps!" Carefully Classic merged the souls. His magic swirled around them, easing the pain as the two colors merged together. His once shimmering soul was dyed with spots of orange, a sign of his brother. Placing the soul back inside his frame, he laid on the grass. His body felt weak as he slowly allowed his eyes to close. He and his brother had died, yet he was allowed to live. The world was cruel. Even so, he was almost out of chances. He could feel one of the petals vanish from beside his eye, a burning radiating from the area. One life. That was it. One more death and it would be game over. He smiled at the thought. 

"Maybe it wouldn't be so bad. I'd finally meet my people once more and see my brother. Those would be joyous days..."

Hope you all enjoyed the chapter and I apologize for my lack of chapters posted. I honestly got invested in my Xbox and didn't find inspiration nor motivation to write. Even so, I am back! <3

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