Giving It A Chance Part 56

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"Stay away from me crazy man!" I said loudly and tried to take a few steps backwards. Sasori's hand release my wrist and he took a step forward, blocking Hidan from approaching any closer.

"Hidan, you fool. You're the reason she ran away the other day" Sasori shot nastily at him. Deidara sighed and put his arm around my shoulder and sat me down at the table.

"These two might be at it for a while, I'll make you something yeah?" Deidara offered before going to the stove. I looked back at Hidan and Sasori who were now having a stare off, a wave of guilt washed over knowing I'd run away.

"Sheesh, it isn't my fucking fault alright? She legged it out the damn window!" Hidan yelled at Sasori. He wasn't wrong.

"Are you really that stupid as to leave her alone after such a traumatic event" Sasori spat back at Hidan. He wasn't wrong either...

I turned back around and put my head down on the table and tried my hardest to muffle out the argument. Eventually the yelling stopped, I lift my head back up. Both Sasori and Hidan were now sitting at the table too, seemingly have left it alone for now.

"Anyway, there's a fucking festival happening down in the village tomorrow night. Kakuzu told me to make sure Tila's ready when he gets back cause he want to take her out to buy her shit, or something" Hidan told Sasori.

"I see, sounds like a plan. When is Kakuzu getting back?" Sasori asked Hidan.

"He went off to cash in a local bounty with Konan, said we need the fucking money cause we're running low" Hidan explained. I averted my attention back to Deidara who was plating up two massive servings of chicken and salad.

"Here, you really need to get your strength back yeah?" Deidara gave me a small playful smirk as he set down the overfilled plate.

"I .. Ah, don't know if I can eat this much Deidara?" I confessed but Deidara just brushed me off as he sat down beside me.

"Sure you can! Hm."

I started to eat slowly and sure enough my appetite started to come back. I finished most of the plate before I felt completely full.

"Knew you could do it, un" Deidara teased as he sat back in his chair, probably feeling very full too.

"Deidara, Hidan and I need to have a word privately. Can you take Tila to get ready to go out with Kakuzu?" Sasori half asked-half demanded, Deidara nodded.

"Yeah, C'mon I'll show you your room un", Deidara beckoned. I stood up and waved to Hidan and Sasori who's beige eyes lingered on me for a moment. I followed Deidara back out into the hall. We walked up some stairs and down another hall until we reached a door, Deidara lead the way in and closed the door behind us.

"So, you're not going to run away again are you Til? Hm" Deidara asked as he took a seat on my bed. I broke into a small smile as I stood in the middle of the room

"I can't promise anything" I mumbled.

"I know you don't remember but, you had us really worried back there yeah.." Deidara confessed as he looked at me with those big blue eyes. I took a seat down beside him and looked around.

"Everyone keeps saying that, I want to remember but every time I try I just get a really sore ache in my head" I told Deidara who frowned a little.

"Maybe you just need to be reminded more, Hm" Deidara said, standingd up and swinging open the wardrobe to pull out a nice dress.

"Here, these are all your's Til" Deidara handed me a dress.

"This is really pretty, is it really mine?" I asked, feeling a little taken back as I stared at the black lace. Deidara nodded. So, I stood up and took a look at all the clothes that were hung up in the wardrobe before me.

"Can I wear this to go shopping?" I asked hesitantly as I pulled out some jeans and long sleeved black top. Deidara chuckled and raised a brow.

"You don't need you ask, all if these things are yours, yeah." Deidara said playfully, a little blush appear on my cheeks.

"Oh, yeah," I gave a small awkward laugh too.

"I'm going to get changed then," I told him, taking the clothes I'd picked out and headed for the bathroom. As soon as I walked in I noticed that the window I'd previously escaped from was bolted shut and I couldn't help but giggle to myself.

Maybe I wasn't thinking straight the other day. My thoughts turning optimist as I hopped in the shower. After I washed up and went back into the room, I saw that Deidara was laying down on the bed, playing with something white that looked like putty. As Deidara realised I'd walked back in he quickly sat up, eying me in surprise.

"You're still just as gorgeous as I remembered, un" He whispered, as though the words escaped his lips without meaning too.

"What?" I asked hurriedly, feeling extremely flustered but he quickly stood up and started pushing me out the door from behind.

"Never mind yeah? Let's just get you to Kakuzu or he'll have a fit." Deidara hastily led me back out and down to the lobby place. When we got there I saw a scary looking guy who's dark brown hair fell down to his shoulders - his buff tanned upper body was covered in stitches and I started to feel a little worried.

How ever did I get myself mixed up with this strange crowd?

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