➼chapter 29; swans and lions

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"I've failed Potions. I've actually failed Potions. I mean, I'm not surprised at all, but it's still sad," Serena huffed in disappointment as she climbed out of the dungeons.

Ramona frowned, clearly worried about the Antidotes test they just completed. "Oh, I think I've failed, too. Stayed up all night studying, but I just sat there blankly staring at the test. Oh, I knew I should have used a bezoar, as it does save you from most poisons, but I was worried that wouldn't be good enough. Oh, and the last question-"

"I'm going to stop your rambling right now because I didn't even know what a bezoar was," Serena interrupted.

Magnolia snorted. "Yeah, you definitely failed."

Serena narrowed her eyes at the Ravenclaw. "And how do you think you did?"

"Well, I didn't study at all, so-"

Ramona whipped around to face the Ravenclaw. "But we were working on Potions just two days ago in the library!"

Magnolia shrugged. "Oh, yeah, I was actually reading about constellations, very fascinating stuff, those are. Anyways, the test didn't seem to bad. It was doable."

The three entered the Great Hall for lunch, Ramona dropping down the five books cradled in her arms as they settled at the Hufflepuff table. "So that means you got perfect marks," Serena mumbled, slamming her head on the table.

"If it'll make you feel better, I could try to fail the next test?" Magnolia suggested, knowing full well she wouldn't do that.

"Or you can lend me some of your natural intelligence."

"Yeah, I'd like some of that, too," Ramona said, flipping through yet another Divination book.

Just as Serena lifted her head to pour herself some apple juice, she saw a tuft of bright red hair move past her. Even though she knew she'd regret it, Serena turned to see Fred Weasley and Angelina walking together, sitting beside each other at the Gryffindor table. It hurt more than she cared to admit, seeing the smile on Fred's face. Angelina was equally as happy, chuckling at something the redhead had said.

Serena wanted to look away, but couldn't. She wanted nothing more than to be Angelina at that point. Even as Ramona tapped her shoulder to tell her something, Serena didn't hear her, almost transfixed on the two. The way they laughed together, she wanted so badly for that to be her.

It was then she caught George looking at her. His eyes darted from Fred and Angelina to her, his smile almost apologetic. She tilted her head in confusion, wondering what that could possibly mean.

Serena finally tore her eyes away from the Gryffindor table, swirling around the juice in her goblet, staring pitifully at its contents. Serena thought about what Magnolia had said to her days prior. If she wanted things to change, she needed to come clean about her feelings for Fred.

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