➼chapter 28; broken hearts and ball dates

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Author's Note: Please read :)

I'm really sorry if you cannot comment on this, wattpad is being a bitch 😭. Hopefully it'll work later on but I'm really sorry for the constant updating, I'm trying to fix the problem :(



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The last week of term seemed to stretch on forever. Serena, against her original disposition, was excited for the Yule Ball. Perhaps it was Ramona's obvious enthusiasm for the event, or how the entire Hogwarts Castle became increasingly boisterous as the week progressed, but the high energy was rubbing off on Serena.

Rumours about the ball were flying everywhere, from Dumbledore buying eight hundred barrels of mulled mead from Madam Rosmerta to Filch, the caretaker, being seen asking Mrs Norris dance. If anything, Serena thought the last was much more likely. However, it was a definite fact Dumbledore had booked the Weird Sisters to perform. Though Serena was a bigger fan of the Hobgoblins, she had heard enough songs of theirs playing from Maisie Mallard's radio to look forward to them.

Some teachers, like Professor Flitwick, gave up on trying to teach his classes anything, as their minds had clearly drifted elsewhere. Instead, he let the sixth years take a break and play games. Hagrid was rather cool, too and paused their study of Glumbumbles in favour of a few rounds of Exploding Snap. Whether it was because of the ball or because he was grateful the few twenty-five students remained in his sixth-year class, Serena didn't know but didn't complain, either.

Other teachers, however, were not as generous. Professor McGonagall and Moody kept them working on their non-verbal spells until the very last second of their classes. And something as trivial as a ball would never deflect Professor Snap. He would no sooner let them play games in class than buy a bottle of much-needed shampoo. Nastily staring at the sixth years, narrowing his black eyes once he passed over Serena, he reminded them they would be tested on the poison antidotes the very last lesson of the term.

"I honestly cannot believe Snape. A test on antidotes on the last day? Is he trying to fail me?" Serena huffed, walking beside Ramona and Magnolia.

"We've established this already. He wants everyone to fail N.E.W.T. Potions, otherwise, he'll have to deal with us next year," Magnolia said, nose wrinkled in annoyance.

"At least it's on that weirdly pink potion," Ramona said. "We can use our Golpalott's Third Law essay as a study tool."

"Well, I certainly cannot. He gave me a troll on it. Wanna know what he said after he returned those stupid essays?" Serena, not waiting for an answer, put on a soft and silky voice, mimicking Professor Snape. "I must say, your essay was difficult to read, let alone grade. An absolute horrid summarisation on the intricate and detailed Law that is Golpalott's Third. I am afraid to say if someone were ever to be poisoned in your presence, they will surely perish faster from your antidote."

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