➼chapter 6; quidditch and visions

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Serena had returned from the tap with two kettles filled with water, a silly grin on her face. She had placed the kettles on the kitchen counter were Maisie was sitting. 

Her mother looked up from her book. "What are you all smiley about?"

Serena laughed. "Mum, we're at the World Cup! How can I not smile?"

"Hm... is that all?" Maisie asked with a sly grin. 

Serena quickly turned around so her mother wouldn't see her flushed cheeks. "O-of course that's all." Maisie chuckled as she went to lay on her top bunk, recalling her conversation with Fred. Even when Magnolia and Ramona returned to the tent, Serena was in too good of a mood to corner them about leaving her all alone.

As the afternoon wore on, a heavy cloud of excitement was draped over every witch and wizard at the campsite. By the time the sun fell, the anticipation was so great it could be touched.

Salesmen were selling their merchandise every few feet. While Serena purchased a green hat with dancing shamrocks, Magnolia bought a scarf donning Bulgarian colours and Omnioculars for all three. Ramona stood back in amusement until her friends dragged her forward, and ended up with green face paint on one cheek, and red on the other.

Finally, once the trail through the woods was lit up by green and red lanterns, the group of four made their way toward the stadium, grins never fading from their faces. Magnolia had her beloved camera (a gift from Ramona) around her neck again, taking so many pictures that she nearly ran out of film. Their seats were situated right in the middle of the goal posts, close to the top where they could see the entire stadium bathed in a sort of golden glow.

Throughout the game, Serena was jumping up and down so much she nearly fell over the railing a few times, before Magnolia yanked her back into her seat. All four of them were shouting at the top of their lungs, even Ramona, who was never quite a fan of flying.

Serena was so overcome with emotional she nearly burst into tears when Aidan Lynch, Ireland's seeker, crashed into the ground for a second time after having spotted the snitch. And she most positively was crying when Victor Krum rose into the the air, the Golden Snitch clasped tightly in his hand.

Until she realized that even without catching the Golden Snitch, Ireland still won by ten points. She jumped out of her seat, screaming in delight with the rest of the Ireland supporters. 

The entire walk back to the tent was filled with Serena's whoops and cheers, singing along with all the ecstatic Irish. And when Iyla finally made it back, Serena couldn't stop herself from bragging. "Bulgaria was so far behind that even when Krum caught the Snitch, it wasn't enough to beat us! Why, you ask? BECAUSE IRELAND IS SUPERIOR. WE WON! WE WON THE FUCKING WORLD CUP!!"

Iyla, and even Magnolia, were both grumbling in defeat, slipping hot chocolate as the five of them gathered around the campfire. "She's going to be on this for months, isn't she?" Magnolia asked.

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