➼chapter 31; formal dances and missed chances

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The five girls emerged from the Ravenclaw Tower, walking down the flight of stairs in a line. Before going into the entrance hall, Hazel and Amina waved goodbye, as their own dates had shown up.

Serena looked at her friends on her right. "Ready?"

Magnolia tightened her long ponytail. "I was born ready, darling."

The pair glanced down at Ramona, who was frantically redoing her hair. "Does it look okay now? Do you think Cedric will like it?"

Serena rolled her eyes. "Like it? He'll love it. I mean, look at you!"

"You're going with the Hogwarts Champion, Mona," said Magnolia, gently bringing the Hufflepuff's hands to her side. "Head up, girl. Tonight is your night."

"Besides," said Serena as she peeked out from the corner, "Pretty Boy is waiting down there for you already. Looking rather dashing, if I do say so myself."

Ramona let out a high-pitched noise before glancing into the hall, as well. The moment she saw him, she immediately blushed. "Oh, he does, doesn't he?"

Magnolia looked out from the corner, too, a small smile forming on her face when she spotted someone. "Well, since we're at the ball already, might as well tell you who my date is."

Serena and Ramona watched closely to where Magnolia was pointing. A girl, with fair skin and a doll-like face, stood patiently, wearing a gown that matched her silvery-coloured hair. Neither Serena nor Ramona recognised the girl. So Magnolia took it upon herself to explain. "Adalene Patrice from Beauxbatons. She sat next to me at the welcome feast, and we went to Hogsmeade together. She's... my date."

Ramona spun around and tackled Magnolia in a hug. "I'm so happy for you!"

Serena punched the Ravenclaw's arm with a grin. "I'm happy for you too, Nolie!"

Magnolia shook the girls off, though she was smiling. "Well, it's time. Let's get on with it."

Ramona took in a deep breath. "Alright. Let's do this."

The three girls nodded before straightening themselves, descending the marble staircase into the entrance hall. In their dresses of ruby red, lush sapphire, and bright yellow, everyone milling around seemed to pause all conversation, glancing up at the trio.

Fred looked away from Angelina and toward the top of the staircase, as well. He saw Magnolia on the left, wearing indigo blue that matched her eyes. Ramona stood in the middle, donning a pretty lemon-coloured dress.

At first, he didn't recognise the girl on the far right. She wore a striking red dress, the rich colour looked very good on her. She had long, dark brown hair that flowed down in delicate waves, framing her face perfectly. The girl was smiling brightly, chocolate-coloured eyes crinkled in glee, with freckles decorating her golden skin. She was beautiful.

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