9| Going home

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Mention of Blood, sickness, injury and death.

"Y/N! We need to get you home now!" Sapnap said in a desperate voice.

"But I need to help you all!" I couldn't leave when people still need me.

"Please... your people need you!" He can't be serious?

"No Sapnap! These people need me!" I wouldn't leave people who were in need!.

"Listen to me Y/N! You need to go back! We will be fine here, please go..." he brought his soft hand to my face and cupped my cheek.

"Ok... but promise me that you'll help these people."

"Of course I will! No go... and run fast." He took his hand away from my face and I turned around and left.

I ran to the woods but was immediately met by Wilbur.

"Where have you been? It's been two hours!" He didn't even hesitate to yell at me.

"I've been helping the people YOU infected!" I yell back.

"You... you've been infected?" Fundy said, I was confused until I once again felt the warm liquid on my face again and everything went fuzzy, my legs buckled underneath me and I felt Fundy catch me and finaly... everything was black.

Fundys POV
I noticed the blood start to seep from her nose.

"You've been infected?" I asked.

She started to stumbled and I saw as she started to fall, I ran over and picked her up.

"We're going home Fundy." Wilbur said looking down at his unconscious sister who he technically infected.

I nodded and we walked back to L'Manburg.


"This is my fault." Wilbur said.

"Yeah, you don't say!" Tubbo yelled as he stormed outside with tears in his eyes.

"Yeah... what he said" Tommy added as he followed the other boy out.

I woke up in my room... great I was back.

"Hey!" I heard an excited Tubbo say.

"Why hello..." I said smiling.

"I was so worried about you!" I said as he hugged me.

I couldn't help but think of Sapnap as Tubbo wrapped his arms around me.

"Y/N?" He asked.

"Hmm? Oh right! Sorry I was uh..." 

"Thinking of Sapitus Napitus?" He teased.

"I uh... what?!" I felt the heat rise in my cheeks.

"Ah ha! Your blushing! I knew it!" Would He let go of his embrace and started to dance around repeating 'I knew it!' In a song like tone.

"Don't start Tubbo." I slapped his shoulder.

We smiled at each other for a second before being interrupted by Eret.

"Y/N? Tubbo? Get to the van now! And stay covered!" I heard through Tubbos radio.

"Why what's going on?" Tubbo asked.

"We're surrounded...." Eret said.

Tubbo and I nodded at each other and entered the tunnels.

"What's going on?" I said as we entered the 'hot dog van'

"We're surrounded....." Fundy said looking out the window.

"Let me talk to them" I demanded more than asked.

"No. Not after what you pulled this morning!" Wilbur yelled.

"I was asking for permission Wilbur" I said as I shoved past him.

"Everyone stay back! If they try to shoot her then we know there's no hope for peace." Fundy said to everyone.

I took the radio that George gave me, knowing Dream had the one that it connected too.

"Hello gentlemen." I said into the radio, "Do you like the view of our nation?" I asked.

"I thought this was a trailer park?" Dream snickered on the other end.

"Very funny, listen. We'll meet you in the field but on our own accord." I tried to sound as confident as possible.

"Sure thing. Thanks to you our men are healed." Dream said.

"Alright, give us 15 minutes and we'll be on our way." I said before placing the radio back in my waist band.

I walked back in to the van with a proud smile.

"She did it!" Tubbo said with a grin on his face.

I simply nodded and that's all Wilbur needed.

"Alright everyone, suit up and get ready!" He commanded. Everyone left until it's just me and my brother.

"I'm sorry, I should have listened to you." He said.

"I know. Now make sure you don't make the same mistake again." I teased.

When we got armoured up and started our journey to the field.

"Y/N I'm putting you in charge of the army." Wilbur said as we entered the forest.

I nodded and smiled.

We got to the field where the 'dream team' were located and had the higher ground.

"Let me do the talking." I said to Wilbur and he hesitantly accepted.

I took the radio back out and pressed the talk button but was interrupted by an arrow nearly hitting me.

"Better make me a deal I can't resist or next time... I don't miss." Dream spoke through the radio.

"Not funny Dream." I say, looking back at Wilbur I give him a slight nod.

Our guards started to fire arrows at their guards and their guards started to fire arrows at our guards which gave us a chance to escape.

The battle went on for an hour.

Our soldiers firing on their soldiers from Punz tower but in the end they retreated.

"We did it!" Wilbur yelled.

"Y/N did it! It was all her plan." Tubbo said just as excited as me.


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