1| The decluartion of war.

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My name is Y/N soot, I'm willburs little sister! It's difficult to live up to his name but, I get by. Tommy and Tubbo are like real family to me... I've never been more close to someone (aside Willbur ofc) in my life and I wouldn't die for them.... hell even fundy and eret!

Dream on the other hand... well he's luckly that he's heavily guarded at all times.

Life in L'manburg is quiet and sweet, it's a small place but it was home!

Everything was going great, we were signing the declaration of indepenDANCE when the man himself came strolling in....

He was followed by George and someone I didn't recognise, I had only known George because of when I was arrested for my brothers actions.

The strange man looked at me and his evil smile quickly turned into an admiring gaze, I straightened out my uniform and kept my head high. I saw him smile and look back to his "master" as they all walked away.

I looked to Willbur and the look on his face was not good.

"Willbur? What is it? What's wrong? What did he do! I'll..." I raised my hand and tommy was silent.

"That's wring will?" I ask trying to sound as calm as possible.

"The declaration of war....." Willbur says reading the title of the book Dream has given him.

"Oh god..." Fundy you took the words right out of my mouth.

Willbur reads the book and we all go silent... was this really happening?

Willbur and I gathered all our guards, soldiers and archers and readied then for battle.

"ARCHERS AT THE READY!" Willbur commanded.

"I WANT FIVE MEN AT THE ENTRANCE" I added. It felt good to be fighting side by side with my brother.

Tubbo and Tommy both walked over and handed me and Willbur a netherite sword each. We put them into the "pocket" that was attacked to our belts.

"Freshly sharpened ready to kill if needed" Tommy said, clearly annoyed he was stuck with Tubbo inside the walls rather than outside.

"You'll get your chance eventually" Willbur said, clearly seeing the same annoyance as me.

"Yeah okay" umm rude much?

I walked away to check the front gate. We put as little but still protective guards at the front gate, we had more men than dream thought and most of them.... were on his side of the wall, ready for the surprise attack at any moment!

I smiled and walked back into the "hot dog van" to be met by dream and his goon, George, once again. I gulped and smiled.

"Can I help you boys?" But that was all I managed before I was grabbed from behind and gaged. Great, I'm a prisoner now. But how would they get out the walls WITH me in arms?

"Good one Sapnap lets go" Dream said with and evil smile.

So this was sapnap? I had heard of him but never met him.

"Let's leave her sword here with a little note" George said with a devil like smile, no wonder he dreams right hand man.

I feel Dream take out my sword and place it on the ground... when is back is turned I elbow Sapnap in the face and run for the door, George grabs hold of me but I managed to kick him where the sun don't shine and make a run for it... I had no idea we're dream was but I didn't care.

I ran to Willbur and he was confused but he took the gag off.

"Their here, there in the van!" Willbur immediately had guards at his side as Tubbo untied my hands.

We all walked in... 3 guards first, then me and then will.

"Carfull he would still be...." I stopped when I saw a unconscious Sapnap, had I hit him that hard?

I cautiously walk over to him and crouch down beside him, I move some hair away from his face, he just lay there. He was still breathing which meant... we had a prisoner, we had one of Dreams most trusted men.

"They left him here?" I asked looking to Willbur.

"We'll check the cameras to see what happend, guards I want you to take him and we'll interrogate him when we're done" he said nodding toward the unconscious man.


Who's in the wrong? A sapnap x reader story.Where stories live. Discover now