8| What have I done?

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Mention of: Death, Blood, Injury and Sickness.

It had been an hour since Sapnap fell asleep, George and I had chatted, considering we hadn't caught up since I was busy helping Wilbur run L'manburg and he was busy helping Dream.

"Y/N! Don't touch anything!" George said to me.

I felt the blood slowly slip down my face... I was sick!

Wilbur's Pov
"So what does it do?" I asked after we had perfected our 'infection'.

"Blood seeps from the eyes and nose, you throw up blood. But it doesn't kill, just weaken the body." Dad didn't look away from the table.

Y/Ns PoV
"No..." I whispered to myself as I feel more warm crimson liquid drip from my nose.

"I'll get you water!" George got up and ran to water.

I started to throw up blood, I couldn't breath! I fell to the floor and everything went black.

Sapnaps POV
"Y/N?!" I woke up to the sound of George yelling.

I looked up to see her passed out in a pool of her own blood. Wilbur would pay for what he's done, with his or his sisters life.

"Is she ok?!" I asked the worried George.

"DOES SHE LOOK OK?" George screamed at my face as tears streamed down his pale cheeks.

"Im... sorry!" I didn't know how to react, I was kind of hurt.

"Hey... your gonna be ok" George said slightly lifting her head and pouring the water down her throat.

"George you need to go, we can't have you getting sick too." I coughed slightly and felt more blood fall on my hand.

"I'm not letting her die Sapnap!"

"I can take care of her, please George you're too important to Dream." I said with a reassuring smile I had forced on my face.

"ok" He whispered as he lowered the girls head.

He walked away and I saw him wipe the tears from his face.

I rushed over to y/n and flipped her onto her side gently, just in case she started to throw up again.

Wilburs POV
I hadn't seen my sister in two hours and I was starting to worry, she had her radio but she powered it off and that was an hour ago... a lot can happen in an hour!

"Have you found anything yet?" I asked as Fundy walked up to me.


"What's wrong?" Fundy was worrying me even more than I already was!

"Follow me." He said as he turned and walked away.

We tracked through the woods, following her steps until it lead us to.... Dreams base?

Y/Ns PoV
"Are you ok?" I heard the similar voice say as my eyes flutter open.

"Sapnap?" I groan as I sit up.

"Yeah it's me" He immediately smiled as I said his name.

"I so glad your ok! I'm so sorry for what-" I was cut off by Sapnap wrapping his arms around me.

"It's not your fault." He softly whispered to me. His tight embrace was surprisingly comforting it made me feel safe and warm, did he have this effect on everyone?

I hugged him back and placed my head to his chest and softly cried.

I had always felt responsible for anything Wilbur did because he never felt responsible for himself! 'Your brother, your responsibility' I was always told the same thing even when I'm the younger one.

"Don't cry, it's not your fault." His voice was so oddly soothing.

"I've just always been told that I'm responsible for Wilbur because he always does it for me but he's just selfish!" I continue to cry into Sapnap warm chest, the feeling of his chest moving as he breathed in and out was calming.

"Stop thinking about him and just try to sleep" He said as he began to stroke my head slightly.

I felt my eye lids begin to feel heavy and I drifted to sleep in Sapnaps warm arms.


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