Thay acidently hurt you!

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-you and Dabi were holding hands because you had been beging him
-so he gave in and when on a walk with you
-it was pretty late so there weren't a lot of people whitch ment nether you or Dabi had to wear a disguise
-dabi saw a poster of endeavor and had a bad flash back to when he was a kid
-with out knowing it his quirk activated while still holding your hand
-"Owch! Dabi that hurt's!" You yelped pulling your hand away to reveal a burn
-he feat really bad especially after remembering how he got his burns
-He panicked taking your arm and looking at the burn
-you reassured him you were ok
-but Dabi still wanted you to get the burn looked at
-after that Dabi was a lot more careful around you


-bocogo saw you and deku talking and he was furious
-"(u) we're leaving!" Bocogo shouted grabbing your wrist and dragging you out of the room
-"Ow! Bocogo stop let go that hurts" You protested
-his eye's widened as he immediately let's go of your hand
-frowns making a fist and walking away angrily
- "wait Bocogo don't go!" You yelled running after him
-"WHAT!??" Bocogo snapped
''bocogo? What's wrong? D-Did I do something? if I did I won't do it agin" You said
-"it's not you don't worry about it sorry for hurting your wrist..." Bocogo apologized nervously
-you told him it was nothing and showed him your hand
-you were completely fine Bocogo was glad


-you walked into the cafitearia to see Bocogo and monoma fighting
-you hated seeing your best friend and boy friend fight
-so you decided you would stop them useing your quirk
-you ran in between the two and used your quirk on both of them canceling bocogo's explosion
-"(u)!" Monoma yelped
-and before you could move monoma stuck you
-it of corse was an accident and he didn't mean to but still...
-everyone circled around you asking "are you ok?" "Oh no she's bleeding!"
-"Come on I'll take you to the nurse" kendo said taking you away before monoma had the chance to say any thing
-after some time in the nurses office the door opened to reveal monoma with an apologetic look on his face
-"(u) about what happened..... I'm really sorry" he apologized while handing you a yellow flower
-you gladly took the flower from him and examine it
-"I'm guessing kendo made you do this?" You asked with a playful smile
-"yeah.... she did.. but I really did want to say that I'm sorry..... I just didn't know how to and she thought I'd screw it up and hurt you feelings" monoma explained
-"it's fine really monoma you know you punch like a two year old" you giggled
-"hay! I do not!" He argued pouting like a child


-todoroki was training with some other kid's and you walked up to him wanting to ask a question
-when you tapped his shoulder he spooked and the flame part of his quirk activated on instinct
-the flames burnt your hand a bit
-"owch!" You yelped taking a step back to look at my hand and Todoroki turn's around extremely worried
-he was extremely regretful
-"are you ok? I'm so sorry does it hurt?" He asked looking at your hand
-"I-it's fine" You smiled but todoroki didn't believe your lie
-"here I'm real sorry" Todoroki apologized uses his ice quirk while holding your hand
-"I'll walk you to the nurse" he offered
-the hole way to the nurses office he held your hand as the pain went away


-he was coming to see you and opened the door to your dorm but he didn't know that you were thair and the door hit you I walk up to the door about to open it but then it swings open hitting me and I fall onto the ground with a thud "owch" I wince rubbing my ankle "(u) I'm so sorry are you ok?" Shinso asked dropping all his home work on the ground and coming up to me examining my ankle "yeah I'm fine it's just a sprain I can stand thow!" I smile getting up "I'm still really sorry" he frowns looking at the floor ashamed "no need to be sorry! I'm ok just glad your here I CANT FIND THE ANSWER TO X- 23 + -1 = 9X + Z27 -32!" I wine in frustration making him smile "no problem kitten I can help you with that!" "Really!?!" "Yep" "THANK'S SO MUCH YOUR THE BEST SHINSO!" I smile tackling him in a hug

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