Aizawa Catch Up | Part 1

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Now time for the aizawa catch up!!!

How you met

-you met aizawa at UA one day when you were coming to meet the teacher you'd be interning under
-your hole life you dreamt of being a hero and you achieved your goal by 18
-but within the first 5 years of your job you got into a big accident and fell into a 4 year long comma
-you'd been caught in the cross fire of a fight
-and when you woke from your seemingly endless sleep you were told you could no longer work as a hero
-you were devastated and became depressed after being told your dream was crushed
-along with that your prolonged coma left you with sever migraines and insomnia
-the reasons you couldn't continue to work as a pro hero
-you spent countless nights wondering what to do with your now useless life
-when one day you were walking by an elementary school and saw some kids playing hero
-you thought they were cute and so you watched them play for a while when one of them went after a ball that'd been kicked into the street
-with out a moments hesitation you dove into the situation and swooped the kid up jumping out of the road
-barrel rolling with them in your arms to soften your fall
-all the little kids swarmed around you and a distressed teacher ran over as well
-you were surprised by all the attention
-all the kids were praising you and asking if you were a hero
-they all cheered and the teacher bowed thanking you for your help
-then it clicked
-you found a loop hole
-you didn't have to be a hero to be a pro you could teach kids how to be hero's
-that next year you got into a collage and graduated with a teaching degree not long after
-graduating top of your class and being a known hero years prior your application to UA as a teach was accepted
-with some terms of policy
-you would intern under one of the teachers for a year and they would decide if you had what it takes to teach future hero's
-and so you walked into the UA campus with pride in your steps and an exited smile on your face
-after talking with principal Nezu on the phone you learned you'd be assisting in teaching classroom 1A
-when you were walking down the hall you happened apon a giant yellow slug
-it wasn't til you got a closer look you realized it was Eraser head the teacher you'd be apprenticing under
-"um... sir? Shouldn't you be headed to class?" You asked as he stared at you uninterested
-you awkwardly shuffled your feet and tried finding somewhere to look
-aizawa then sighed and stood climbing out of his sleeping bag
-"don't look so exited" aizawa said starting to walk down the hall to his classroom
-with his back turned to you he told you "you'll only be disappointed"
-you were shocked but then quickly followed him and you were in fact stunned to say the least when you entered the classroom
-you'd researched your students before hand but you thought some of the appraises were exaggerated
-but they were indeed not
-there was in fact a girl floating explosions going off curse words being yelled a boy looking up a girls skirt with a nose bleed
-one boy trembling another batting his hand like a lucky cat trying to achieve order another shouting "manly!"
-laser beams going off in all directions acid on the floor one girl hopping from desk to desk another covering her ears
-one boy giving a silly dead brained thumbs up while tape was strung everywhere
-as you stood mouth agape in the door way aizawa looked over at you calmly as of nothing was wrong
-"I warned you didn't I?" He said you just turned to look at him with wide eyes
-"does this mean your quitting already?" He asked incredulously
-you balled your fists and firmly shook your head
-"Quit isn't a word in my vocabulary" you stated locking eyes with aizawa and he found him self surprised
-then amused seeing your oddly determined expression
-with a sigh he shrugged looking away from you then introduced you to the class

First thoughts

His- a month is all she's gonna last
Yours- what kinda teacher falls asleep in the middle of a hall???

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