When your drunk

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Pretend every one is of age to be drinking


-he found it terribly amusing watching you sing karaoke
-he took a video of the hole thing
-watching the video you could hear him laughing at you from behind the camera
-you guy's we're gonna go home but the question was how to get back home
-so like every rational guy hawks decided to fly you home
-it ended up with you screaming at the top of your lungs almost making you both crash into the side of a building
-after that little incident you both somehow got home
-you refused to shut up so hawks kissed you
-you freaked out and hawks gave up
-he let you do as you please he really didn't mind
-he found your drunk state entering
-in the morning you had frogeten every thing
-hawks more than enjoyed seeing you react to your now viral video


-dabi was not amused when he got back to the bass to see you wasted on the floor
-kugiri gave you to dabi and told him he has to take care of you
-you wanna know what he did?
-this guy put you in your room gave you pain killers food water and locked the fucking door
-you were not happy in the morning to say the least
-dabi did have reason to do what he did thow


-it was laughable for monoma to see his drunk girl friend in the arms of your friends
-your friends explained that you had a bit too much to drink
-monoma agreed to look after you
-he amused himself self playing games with you and seeing that confused look on your face when he said something to try and trip you up
-you weren't that drunk so you got over it pretty quickly but monoma had fun taking pictures of you being silly
-once you were sober he sent you all the pictures
-you couldn't stop blushing and apologizing


-he was annoyed with you the hole time
-you kept playing with his hair and it was driving him nuts sence other kids in your class were around
-he told you to stop and you started to tear up
-he immediately took it back and you continued to play with his hair
-he was so embarrassed the hole time
-kirashima pinky and Kamari were there and teasing him the hole time
-pinky took a video of you two
-it ended with Bocogo exploding the camera
-somehow the footage was ok and pinky showed you the video
-you weren't embarrassed at all
-you were happy you got to play with bogoco's hair
-you ended up teasing him about being a big softy
-he never let you near alcohol agin


-he was so confused
-he'd never really had alcohol before
-so it was odd coming across you passed out on the floor
-at first he thought something was wrong and was about to call an ambulance
-but he saw the empty bottle of "water" next to you and remembered some prank he Hurd kids talking about
-he wasn't very happy about it but it wasn't your fult
-one you woke up you were happy to find Todoroki next to you on the couch
-"todorokiiiiiii!!!~~~" you giggled bear hugging him
-you refused to let him leave and so he gave In
-you both spent the day watching tv
-you weren't terribly drunk so it wasn't that bad looking after you
-Todoroki kinda enjoyed hearing you ramble on and on about how grate your boyfriend is


-he walked into your room to find you rolling on the floor with your cats acting like them
-Shinso after a little bit of digging figured out that you were drunk
-he couldn't leave you so he looked after you
-the hole day you acted like a cat and meowed
-Shinso was amused and took multiple funny cat videos of you
-he also put some cat ears on you
-the bright look in your eye's was adorable

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