You lose control of your quirk

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-you lost control when you were training with toga
-when toga relized what was happening she emedeatly ran to get dabi
-besides you dabi was the only member of the league who had a fire quirk so he was your best bet
-black flames were swallowing your body hole and it was extremely pain full
-dabi knew it was bad when toga burst into him room with glossy eye's
-he immediately had Kugiri warp him to you and when he saw you trembling while flames were eating the forest around you it reminded him of the time he lost control
-you hadent noticed Dabi had came and you couldn't hear his shouting over your own screams of agony
-As the flames grow even more intense Dabi knew he needed to do somthing
-dabi gave up on trying to communicate with you so He tryed to get threw all the flames
-your eye's widend as Dabi came into your fogged view he'd managed to get threw the scorching flames
-dabi hugged you "Sorry baby doll" he apologized before knocking you out
-the flames disappeared shortly after
-dabi grimaced seeing the fresh burns you'g gotten along your legs
-he took you back to the base and had Kugiri help him out with bandaging


-you were training out side with Bocogo when your quirk went out of control creating a HUGE smoke screen
-you'd collapsed because you over used your quirk and the smoke was becoming too much for your body to handle
-breathing was becoming more of a challenge every second
-and Bocogo tried to find you in the cloud of fog as the smoke continued to swirl around in the air
-"(U)! *cough*cough* WERE ARE YOU!?" Bocogo shouted
-"h-here" you squeaked out in bearly more than I wisper
-of corse Bocogo couldn't hear you
-"(U) were are *cough* you?" He called agin
-you spotted him just a little ways away but he couldn't see you
-"b-Boco-" you couldn't even manage to call out your voice went horse and nothing came out
-"dame it" bocogo cursed in frustration then his eye's lit up and he raised his hand I the air creating and explosion clearing the smoke
-the smoke cleared quickly and Bocogo saw you on the verge of passing
-he ran up to you and you smiled weekly "thank god" he sighed seeing that you were still breathing and conscious
-uncharacteristically Bocogo hugged you before picking you up "come on I'll take you to the nurse dumb ass"


-you were training with your class and class 1-B your quirk went out of control and everyone's quirks disappeared
-it was taking a tole on your body and your head pounded the feeling was like being crushed by a 3 ton buss
-"HAY WHY THE HELL ISNT MY QUIRK WORKING?!!" Bocogo yelled trying to ues his quirk
-this made you feel even worse and I collapse onto the ground
-"(u)! what's wrong?!" Monoma asks scared half to death as he mr.azawa and kendo run over to you
-"I- my-... quirk" You said inbetween sharp gasps
-eraser head being your dad understood what was happening
-"tenya go get the nurse!" Mr.azawa shouted and tenya ran out of the training area dashing to the nurses office uesing his quirk
-"(u) what happened!?" Monoma ask's helping you ti your feet "I... lost control" You sighed weakly smiling
-"HAY ERASER HEAD I CAN UES MY QUIRK NOW!" Bocogo yelled creating a massive explosion
-"I guess.... my quirk wore of" You chuckle
-"thank goodness you scared me"


-you lost control of your quirk while you were in your dorm
-Todoroki found out because the forecast said that thair was a 0% chance of rain that day
-but it was pouring out said he then realized that it was you and ran to your dorm
-when he entered your room you were on the floor shaking uncontrollably
-Todoroki hugged you helping you sit up
-you didn't know for sure who was helping you but you had a pretty good guess
-"to-doroki?" You questioned "yeah it's me (u) I'm here" Todoroki said quietly
-"hmph... I'm glad" You smiled to the best of your ability and Todoroki activated his fire quirk warming you up
-after a few minutes the rain faded away and You could sit up on your own
-"are you ok?" Todoroki asked "yeah.... just tired" You sighed sitting up aginst the wall
- "well Get some rest then I'll go-" "no! pleas don't go yet!" You blushed hiding your face
-"uh? ok... I'll stay if you want me to"


-your quirk went out of control during class and you were hearing the thoughts of everyone single student around you
-"MAKE IT STOP!" You screamed covering your ears and shutting your eye's as the voices overwhelmed you
-everyone swarmed around you trying to help
-'is she ok?' 'what's wrong?' 'whys she screaming?' 'she looks tariffed' 'what's happening?'  'is she gonna be ok?' 'is something wrong?' 'she need's help!' 'were's the teacher?' 'is she-'
-all the thoughts of the people around you echo in my head screaming like nails on a chock bored
-"JUST S-STOP!" You cried out but the voices just intensify
-"(u) it's ok everything's ok just calm down ignore the voices just focus on me" shinso said holding you letting you rest your head on his shoulder
-he just talked calmly and I listened to his voice and his alone completely forgetting about the thoughts of everyone els around us
-"everything's fine your ok now just listen to me and block them out the teacher's well be back soon we were leaning about math and the alphabet" Shinso said distracting you
-"heh I think that's called algebra" You smiled slightly pulling away from the hug
-"your better now?" Shinso asked with a relived smile
-"yeah.... sorry agin this has been the second time it's happened this month" You sighed standing up once agin
-"it's fine it's not your falt I'm just glad your ok"

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