Dabi x reader ~framilyar~

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Basically you want to join the league of villains and your a well known villain (villain name) you have the same quirk as in the senorio's

Dabi prospective

I continue to walk down the cold dark crowded streets of Musutafu (the city were mha takes place) being illuminated by the dim street lamps and small shop window's trying to get back to the bass unseen by hero's with every step a cold breath escapes my lips creating a poof of white smoke slowly disappearing into the night but then I spot a hero in the distance and quicken my pass not wanting to half to deal with them today I spot an ally way 'thair!' I think walking over trying to act casual and calm not wanting to draw attention but when I'm about to enter the ally way a small framilyar hand grabs hold of my sleeve 'crap did some one recognize me!'

(U) prospective 5 minute's prior

I walk down the street my normal route to the store when I see a familiar black haired man 'that's him!' I think and try to follow him threw the crowd when he book's it for an ally way and I follow him but before he walks into the ally way I grab the sleeve to his jacket his eye's widen as he turns around grabbing my hand and yanking me into the ally putting my arm above my head and one hand over my mouth preventing me from breathing but I don't struggle I just glare at him "why-r you here?" He asks gruffly making me glar even more what a jerk 'my turn' I think and bite his hand "the hell" the hisses letting go of me he soon regains his composure "so you aren't going to run that may have been your only escape" he says smirking cockily "I'm sure if I wanted I could get away from you when ever I want but I came to you for a reason" "and what's that doll face?" He asks and I scowl at the stupid nick name "my names not 'doll face'" I retort "I go by (villain name)" I smirk "you mean YOUR that villan that's been on a mass murdering spree killing thousands of people!?" He asks bearly able to holed back his laughter "you'v got to be kidding me right!" "STOP LAUGHING! I am (villain name)!" I yell "Oi shut up your gonna get us both caught.... (villain name)!" He says smiling to him self "fine I'll prove it!" I say and start to walk further down the ally "what cha doin?" He asks following me and I stop after about a minute turning swiftly around on my heal "stand back" I say and close my eye's looking in his direction bringing up my hand aiming it towards him "now" I wisper to my self activating my quirk

Dabi prospective

She brings her hand up facing me with closed eye's "now" she mumbles and she creates a huge out burst of black flames my eye's widen as the flames and smoke disappear to reveal her smiling 'why dose she seem so familiar is- no she can't be?' "so......... your the real deal?" I ask becoming serious "yep" she glares walking up to me "so I'd like you to get me into the league of villains" she asks smiling threateningly making me smile "hmph..... fine then I'll take you thair but I can't promise you won't get killed" I smirk turning around and walking towards the bass 'she cant be her...... she'd be a hero by now' "I'm sure I'll be fine" she smiles following closely behind me time skip 5 minutes you'v arived at the villains bass we stand infront of the bass and I walk towards the door but she doesn't follow "what you having second thoughts?" I ask placing my hand on the door nob "no........ I just didn't expect the bass to be such a dump" she retorts "heh.... i thought the same thing when I first came here" I say opening the door "hey hand job I got I new member I want her in" I say entering the bass (u) following behind "what the hell i might as well let a hero join" he Shigaraki says after taking one look at (u) throwing his hands in the air and (u) walk's up to Shigaraki calmly resting her arm on the bar end next to Shigaraki placing her head on her hand glaring at him and intense blood lust coming from her

 i thought the same thing when I first came here" I say opening the door "hey hand job I got I new member I want her in" I say entering the bass (u) following behind "what the hell i might as well let a hero join" he Shigaraki says after taking on...

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"Be careful what you say....... it could end up getting you killed" she thretanks making me smirk 'It........ can't be....... it's just not possible dabi' "grate another psychopath just what we need thanks staples!" Shigaraki complains "no problem!"

(U) prospective

Shigaraki gives in thanking dabi for this and I push myself of the bar table spinning around to face dabi with a grin but im faced with a peppy smiling blond "HII THE NAMES TOGA WANNA BE FRIENDS!?" She asks jumping up and down "ummm?....." "cool it toga your to hyper" dabi scowls turning around but before he turns around we make eye contact before his back is facing me.......... and for some reason......... his eye's seem framiyar "wait I-" before I can finish he walks out side closing the door "SOOOO HOW DO YOU KNOW DABI!?" Toga ask's smiling "u-uhh well....... I don't know him" I sigh "oh....... really he's never brought any one to the bass much less asked for them to join by recommendation YOU MUST KNOW HIM!" Toga argues "afraid not well........ I mean........ he seems framilyar for some reason........ but I'm not sure why?" I question myself as toga stairs at me "well I'm gonna go kill some one I'll be back later thow maybe then we could talk about blood!" She smiles walking out a different door and I sigh 'i need to know why he's so framilyar?' I think and walk out side I look around but don't see dabi he couldn't have gone that far "DABI! DABI! WERE ARE YOU?" I yell looking around trying to find the black haired male "up here doll face" 'why is that voice so similar?' I turn around and see dabi on the roof of the bass "how the hell did you get up thair?" I ask and he takes a second to think before pointing to a tree 'grate' I slowly climb up the tree and jump of it onto the roof and walk over to dabi who's looking at the start's "the stars huh?......... thay really are beautiful......... a friend of mine used...... to love them we'd go out side every night on the floor tops just like this to look at them together" I sigh smiling a sad smile "so why don't you do that any more?" "He........ he died.... a couple years ago" I frown looking at my feet "sit" "o-ok" I carefully sit down next to dabi carful not to slip "so what was your friends name?" He asks still looking out into the sky "........." "it's fine if you don't want to tell me but........ why'd you become a villan?" "Because I hate hero's if it weren't for them my friend would still be here" I state emptiness turning to anger "I also had a friend who was taken from me be hero's" he sigh's looking at his feet laid out on the shingles of the cold roof "really what was he like?" I ask curiously "Heh..... he was a she actually....... I had a crush on her for the longest time she was the purest person I knew" he smiles still looking out to the sky "so.... do you still like her" "why do you wanna know?" "W-well because I still haven't gotten over my f-friend" I shudder "if you really wanna know yes I still love her with all my hart" he smiles "what was her name?" "Her name?....... it....... it was (u)" he says turning to face me 'those eye's he's-' "t-t-Toya!?!" I ask in tears "took you long enough" he smiles and I burst out crying and hug him burying my face in his chest and he soon hugs me back "iv missed you so much (u)" "t-t-thay told m-me you had d-d-died!" I cry "pleas don't you know I hate seeing you like this" he smiles stroking my hair and I sit up smiling and wiping away my tears "I ran away and I'm so sorry I didn't bring you with me iv regretted that every day of my life so pleas stay with me?" He asks smiling lightly "iv missed that smile so much Toya!" I smile brightly closing my eye's trying not to cry but then I feel his lips press agents mine and soon melt into the kiss "I love you doll face" I smiles pulling away "you too blue flame!" I smile "you remember that?" "How can I not we used to play supper hero's all the time and your code name would alway be blue flame and mine would be baby cause you kept beging me to have that as my code name!" I smile all the memories of our child hood together coming back to me "heh... I begged you for hours just so I could call you baby! That was a fun time!" He smiles as we both look out into the stars like we would as children "I want to stay like this forever" dabi mumbles into my hair before falling asleep "me too" I smile closing my eye's soon drifting to sleep in dabi's warm embrace

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