First kiss

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I can't believe I haven't done this scenario yet


-let's just say at first you down right refused to let hawks Cary you while flying
-you'v seen his crash landings before and weren't interested in falling to your death
-hawks really really REALLY wanted to fly you around
-he tried for like an hour to convince you but you weren't budging
-in a last attempt hawks took your hands and kissed you
-"you trust me right? Come on it'll be fun I promise I won't let you fall" hawks said
-you were blushing like crazy and just nodded your head
-hawks didn't drop you and from then on you were ok with flying with him


-well he first kissed you when he confessed/ got jealous BUUUUUUT I really wanna write a scenario!
-dabi was lying in bed with you watching tv and you decided to try and get his attention away from the tv screen
-step one get close to dabi
-step two kiss dabi
-step three wait for delayed reaction
-step one was easily complete
-you say right infront of dabi blocking his view of the tv
-"(u) I can't see the-" before he could say anything els you kissed him
-he was surprised but smirked as you pulled away
-"it's about time I thought you'd never decide to kiss me~" dabi teased
-"yeah well I didn't see you making the move" XP


-there was a huge thing going on at the school and there were people EVERYWHERE
-you were super nervous and refused to leave your class room
-azawa tried his best to convince you but it didn't go very well so he let you be
-monoma on the other hand is stubborn and wanted you to come have fun
-so after trying to talk to you he figured that wouldn't work
-and instead he kissed you
-"come on princess it'll be fun I promise" monama said
-you blushed a million shades of red and agreed to come out of the class room
-monoma really didn't make a big deal out of it but your face turns red every time you think about it
-"what's on your Mind (u)?~" "@//////@ n-nothing!!!"


-he kissed you when he confessed(if I remember correctly)


-you were pretty down lately
-Todoroki didn't know what was going on
-but ether way he didn't like seeing you depressed
-he saw in the movies that you watched then when people kiss its normally happy
-so he came up with a plan to cheer you up
-after "infiltrating" your room he sat down infront of you
-you looked up at him confused titling your head
-you were confused until he pecked your lips
-confusion turned to so many other emotions
-mission success!


-you decided you make the first move

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