A day with The Snack Pack

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Poppy and Branch were busy today, so they decided to leave you with The Snack Pack. "You sure you can keep an eye on her?" Branch asked. "Of course!" Biggie smiled. "Stop worrying so much, Branch. Just go do your things, we can watch her." Cooper said. The fashion twins nodded. "Yeah. We promise we won't let her out of our sight." Satin said. "Yeah. Go on. We got this covered." Chenille said. "Come on, Branch. (Y/n) will be fine." Poppy said. "I know." Branch said. "See you later, sweetie." Branch said. "Bye, daddy!" You smiled and waved as your parents left. Poppy waved back until they were out of sight. Biggie then came over to you. "So, Princess, what do you want to do first?" He asked. "Um..." you said. "We can sing!" Cooper said. "We can dance." Smidge said. "We can party!" Cooper said. "We can play a game." Biggie said. "Mr. Dinkles loves to play. Especially hide and seek, right, Mr. Dinkles?" Biggie asked. Biggie made Mr. Dinkles nod his head. "We could make you some new outfits." Satin suggested. "Yeah! I already have a ton of great ideas!" Chenille said. "Me too!" Satin said. "Those all sound great!" You said. "Yay!" The Snack Pack said. "But which one should we do first?" You asked. "Hmm..." they said, as everyone thought about what to do first. "You decide." Biggie said. "Alright." You said. You thought about which activity you wanted to do first. "Let's play a game." You said. Everyone nodded. "Which one?" Cooper asked. "Would Mr. Dinkles like to play hide and seek?" You asked Biggie. "Of course!" Biggie said. "Okay. Now that that's settled, we have to find out who's going first." Guy Diamond said. "Last one to touch their nose is it!" You said. You quickly touched your nose and so did everyone else, except for Biggie. "Biggie is it!" Legsly said. "Aw, I wasn't ready!" Biggie sighed. "All right." He said. "You better go hide." Biggie said. He then began to turn around and close his eyes. "One, two, three, four, five..." as he continued to count, everyone began to run away to find a hiding spot. "Hey, (Y/n), I know the perfect hiding spot." Cooper whispered. He quickly found you a hiding spot behind some bushes. "Thanks, Cooper." You said. "No problem, Princess." He said. Cooped then ran off to find his own hiding spot. "Seven, eight, nine, ten. Ready or not here I come!" Biggie shouted. Biggie then began to search Troll Village. "Hello? Anybody there?" Biggie asked as he looked in numerous places. "Come out, come out where ever you are!" Biggie said. The fashion twins chuckled. "Oh guys..." Biggie called. "Hmm. Legsly is that you I see behind that bush?" Biggie asked. She giggled. Biggie walked toward her hiding spot. "Gotcha!" He said. "Aw, darn." She said. "Don't worry. We still have to find everyone else first." Biggie said. Biggie and Legsly found the fashion twins next, then Cooper, then Guy Diamond and Tiny Diamond, then Smidge, DJ Suki, and then Fuzzbert. Now the last troll they were looking for was you. They couldn't find you anywhere. Cooper couldn't even remember the hiding spot he showed you. 

"Uh, guys? Where's (Y/n)?" Biggie asked. "You still haven't found her yet?" Dj Suki asked. "No." Biggie said. "Where have you looked?" Chenille asked. "Literally everywhere." Biggie said. You chuckled from your hiding spot. "Uh oh." Cooper said. "(Y/n)? (Y/n)?" Biggie called. "(Y/n) where are you?" Legsly asked. "(Y/n)?" Cooper asked as he checked random places. "(Y/n)? You there?" Guy Diamond asked as he and Tiny Diamond searched for you. "(Y/n)?" Smidge asked as she looked under a mushroom. "Oh no, no, no! This is bad! This is very bad!" Biggie said. "Biggie! Calm down!" Satin said. "Guys what do we do? If we can't find (Y/n) Branch will kill us!" Biggie said. "Relax. I'm sure we'll find her." Chenille said. The snack pack began searching the whole village for you. Now you decided to scare them. Biggie began to cry. "Oh, (Y/n). Where are you?" He asked. "Boo!" You said. Biggie screamed. "(Y/n)?" Cooper asked. "(Y/n)!" The snack pack said with relief as they ran over. "(Y/n)!" Biggie hugged you tightly. You laughed. "Where were you?" Cooper asked. "In your hiding spot you showed me. Duh." You said. Everyone glared at Cooper. "What?" He asked. "Really? You showed her a place to hide and forgot about it?" Dj Suki asked. "Talk about being responsible." Satin said sarcastically. You laughed at Cooper's dumbfounded expression. You spent the rest of the day singing, dancing, and trying on some clothes that the fashion twins made for you. Once evening came around Poppy and Branch returned. "Mommy!" You said as you ran over and gave her a big hug. Poppy hugged you back. "Hey sweetie." Poppy said. "How was your day?" Branch asked. "Great! We played games, sung and dance, and the fashion twins even made me some new outfits!" You said. Poppy and Branch smiled. "Thanks for watching out for her." Poppy said. "Anytime, Queen Poppy." Biggie said. "It was fun." Cooper said. "Make sure to lend her to us again sometime, okay?" Dj Suki said. "We certainly will." Branch said.

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