You discover new tribes

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You skipped happily as you were exploring. As you skipped, you were humming to yourself. You continued to skip forward until you saw movement. You stopped, then looked around cautiously. After a few minutes, you began to continue walking and humming to yourself. You loved exploring. There were always new things to discover. You always found everything to be so fascinating. Soon you stumbled into a place you've never seen before. Your eyes widened in curiosity and you began to explore this new place. Soon you saw more movements again and stopped to look around. "Who's there?" Someone asked. You looked around, but didn't see anyone. "Hello?" You asked, but didn't get any answers. You tried again. "Hello? Anyone here? I won't hurt anyone. I... I just thought I..." You gasped when you saw some trolls you've never seen before come out. They reminded you of the hard rock trolls, at least, they did look kind of similar. "Who are you?" You asked. "We're the soft rock tribe." One said. Your eyes narrowed. "Soft rock?" You asked in confusion. "Yeah." Said another. "Who are you?" One asked. "Wait. I know this troll." Said another, as she stepped forward. "You're Princess (Y/n), aren't you?" She asked. Your eyes widened, and you slowly nodded, not fully knowing if you could trust these trolls. "Princess (Y/n)?" Another asked. "Yeah. You know, the daughter of the king and Queen of pop." The troll said. "Oh." The others said. "Pardon me for saying this, but... I never knew a soft rock tribe existed." You said. "We figured you wouldn't." A male troll said. "I don't think any of the other tribes know we exist." Said another. "Why not?" You asked. "Well, for starters, we were never on the map." Another troll said. "And everyone probably only thinks that the only form of rock is hard rock." Said another. You took in this new information. "So, rock has other forms?" You asked. "Oh yeah. There's soft rock, hard rock, metal rock." A troll explained. "Cool." You said. "Well, it's not that cool." "Maybe, if you guys wanted, I could tell mom and dad about you. Then maybe all of you could join us in Trollstopia." You said. They all looked uncertain. "I don't know, kid." One said. "We've kinda kept to ourselves for a long time. Plus, how do you think we'd get along with the hard rock trolls?" Another asked. "Oh. I guess I hadn't thought of that." You said. "Look, kid, getting to be known by the other trolls would be great, but you'd have to think about the consequences." The leader said. You nodded. "Well, how about you guys think about it and then tell me your decision later?" You asked. The trolls looked at each other. "Okay." One of them said. You smiled. The next day, you went to the library to see if you could find out about any other troll tribes you didn't know about. Luckily you found the perfect book. It told you about more tribes that were never mentioned in the map or anywhere else for that matter. So you decided to meet these other tribes. The first you went to see were the hip hop trolls. You had found a map for each other tribe and followed the one for hip hop. "Hello?" You asked. "Yes?" A voice asked. "I'm... I'm Princess (Y/n) of the pop trolls, and... I heard about these other tribes, so... I thought maybe I could check them out and maybe.... tell the other tribes about you if you're interested." You said. Then the group of hip hop trolls came out. You smiled. "Other tribes?" The leader asked. "Yes. You see, there's actually a tribe of trolls for each music, pop, rock, techno, funk, you get the idea. Anyway, I heard about these other tribes that aren't really known to anyone, so I thought I'd see them for myself." You explained. The leader smiled. "Well, Princess (Y/n) it's nice to meet you." She said. "Nice to meet you too." You smiled back. "So you're a pop troll?" One of them asked. You nodded. "Yup. Princess of the pop trolls to be exact." You said. The others smiled. "And you want to bring more awareness to our tribe?" Another asked. "Well, why not? I mean, I think it's only fair, right?" You asked. They smiled. "So, who's in charge of pop?" The leader asked. "My parents Queen Poppy and King Branch." You said. "You know, now that I think about it, those names do sound kind of familiar." A hip hop troll said. "Well, Princess, your offer does seem nice and all, but..." the leader said. "Oh, it's okay. I'll give you all time to think about it. And if you say no that's totally fine. I just thought the more trolls the merrier." You said. The hip hop trolls smiled. "Well, it was very nice meeting you." The leader said. "Same here." You said. After the hip hop trolls you went to the heavy mental trolls. They reminded you a lot of the hard rock trolls. "Whoa." You said as you arrived. You smiled at the sight. The heavy metal trolls were either singing, do doing crazy stunts and other things. "Whoa, hold it!" One said. They turned and saw you. You got a little nervous, but smiled. "Looks like we got some company." Another said as some approached you. "Whoa, tiny." Another said. You got a little angry for being called tiny, but you ignored it and smiled. "Uh, hi." You said. "Who are you?" One of them asked. "Uh, I um... my name is Princess (Y/n), I'm here on behalf of the pop trolls." You said. "Pop trolls?" Another heavy metal troll asked. "That's a thing?" Asked another. 'Wow, rude.' You thought. "Yes, actually seeing as I'm the Princess." You said. "Well, Princess, what brings you here to heavy metal?" The leader asked. "I wanted to know more about these other tribes." You said. "Other tribes?" One echoed. "Yes. It's a long story but there's actually a troll tribe for each music." You said. "Sick." One said. "Really?" Asked another. You nodded. "Yeah. So, if you're ever interested in meeting the others, you could always come to Trollstopia with me and I can introduce you all to the other tribes. I bet the hard rock trolls would love you guys." You said. "Hard rock? Cool." One said. "Just let me know later on if you're interested." You said. "Sure thing, squirt." The leader said, reminding you of Barb. Next you visited the Disco trolls. "Other tribes? That sounds pretty cool." The leader said. "It is." You said. "Well, I'll definitely get back to you on that, Princess." He said. You smiled. You couldn't visit them all in one day, but you discovered that there was a tribe for Folk music, Electronic music, Dubstep, musical music, and basically any kind you could think of. You were so excited. You couldn't wait to tell Poppy and Branch and the others, and hopefully, just hopefully, this meant more trolls for the family.

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