School project

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You sat next to your friends that day at school. The four of you shared a table as the teacher spoke. "Okay, class. Today is a very special day, because today is the day all of you will start on your school projects. Yes, you may choose your own partners, but please do not make me regret my decision. Any foolishness and you will all be forced to switch partners. "This school project will be simple. All of you will demonstrate what Trollstopia means to you. You may do this however you'd like.  You will have two full weeks to finish the project." She said. "Sweet!" Clover said. "Hey, (Y/n), partner?" She asked. "Sure!" You said. You and Clover sat at the same table to discuss the project. "So, we need to find out what TrollsTopia means to us." She said. "Well... it's... it's..." You looked around the classroom to see trolls from every tribe. "I got it! It's a place where trolls from each tribe can live in harmony!" You said. Clover gasped. "You're right! Techno, funk, classical, country, hard rock, and pop." She said. "Exactly! So we need to show that in our project." You said. "Let's do it." She said. However, 

little did you know, that other trolls had heard your idea and decided to use the same thing. "That's actually a great idea." A techno troll said. "Yeah." Another said. "Maybe we can do the same thing with our project." He said. "Good idea." Said the other techno troll. You and Clover spent the next week working on the project together. Today she was at your house as you both worked on the project together. You were almost done with making the map of Troll Kingdom. "How's it look?" Clover asked. "Great, all we're missing is hard rock." You said. "Strange. I guess after the world Tour the other tribes all revolted against them until they weren't a tribe anymore. The only explanation." Clover joked. You looked at her for a moment before you both laughed. "Just kidding. I'll work on that." She said. "Great, I'm almost done with the tribes." You said. As Clover worked on the map, you were working on creating the trolls to go with it. You had alright made all of the leaders, next you just needed the troll members. Clover walked over and saw what you made. "Wow. Looking good." She said. You smiled. "Thanks." You said. Clover then saw the figure you made for Queen Barb and grabbed it. "Hey!" You said. "I am Queen Barb and I will destroy all music!" She mimicked. You laughed and took it from her. "They're not toys. They're for our project. And she's not like that anymore." You said as you placed her down. "Aunt Barb is awesome." You said. "I was just joking." Clover said. You playfully rolled your eyes. "No more jokes, Clover. Let's finish this." You said.

 "Okay." You both went back to the project. After a week of working, you finally finished it. "Ta da!" You said, as you and Clover showed Poppy and Branch. "Wow." Poppy said. "Impressive." Branch said. "Yup. We made it for the project." Clover said. "That's awesome." Branch said. Clover then grabbed the Branch figure you made. "I am Branch and I hate everything." She said. Branch's jaw dropped. "Clover!" You smacked her. "Jeez. Can't you trolls take a joke?" She asked. "Um..." Branch said. Poppy giggled. "All right. Time to get to school." She said. Poppy took the two of you to school. She and Branch along with the other tribes were going to be there for the presentation. As you and Clover walked in, you gasped as you saw two techno trolls with the same thing you and Clover had done. A replica of the map and tribes. "(Y/n)? What's wrong?" Clover asked. You said nothing but pointed to the two trolls. 

Clover looked at them and she gasped. You and Clover walked over to them. The two techno trolls turned and smiled. "Hello, Princess." One said. "Hi. So um, I just happened to come in and couldn't help but notice your project." You said. "Oh, this? Isn't it awesome?" He asked. "It's the troll kingdom and each tribe." Said the other. "Yeah. So, where did you get that idea?" Clover asked suspiciously. The two techno trolls smirked. "Oh, we came up with it." "Really?" You asked skeptically. "Uh huh. And we couldn't help but notice, your little copycat." This angered you. "Our copycat?" You asked. "Pfft. Please. If anything, you're the ones who copied." Clover said. The techno trolls looked at each other before laughing. "Us? As if. Now get lost, short stuff." That did it. "Clover, let's go." You grabbed her arm and went toward the teacher. "Where are we going?" She asked. "Telling the teacher." You said. "Miss Rose?" You asked. She looked at you. "Oh, (Y/n). Just the troll I wanted to see." She said. "Really?" You asked. "Yes, I want to discuss something with you and Clover." She said. Clover looked nervous. After the three of you sat down, she spoke. "Princess (Y/n), it has come to my attention that you and Clover copied an idea from two other trolls." 

She said. Your eyes widened. "What?" You asked. "Yes. You see, these two techno trolls have told me that you and Clover had stolen their idea for the school project." She said. You and Clover looked at each other in shock before looking at the techno trolls who both smirked. Clover glared at them before you both looked back at the teacher. "That's not true!" You said. "Really? It sure looks that way to me." Ross said. "Except it's the other way around." Clover said. "What?" Rose asked. "They copied us!" You said. Rose then got the two techno trolls over. "These two say that you two copied their idea. Is this true?" Rose asked. The two techno trolls looked nervous. "Uh..." one said. "Of course not! They're just jealous." Said the other. "Jealous?! Are you kidding me?!" Clover asked. "Actually, Miss Rose." A rock troll said. "I did see these two techno trolls eavesdropping on their conversation the day you told us about the project." She said. 

The techno trolls looked even more nervous. "I also saw them spying on them multiple times." She added. Rose gave the two techno trolls a stern look. Josh, Noah, we do not copy other trolls, and especially for class projects. Do I make myself clear?" Rose asked. The two nodded. "And because of your actions, the two of you will have to start the project over." She said. The two groaned and Clover smirked. "Serves you right, copycats." Clover said. They glared at you and Clover. "Shut up." Josh said. "Honestly, what's the point of copying someone else anyway?" The rock troll asked. Later on, you and Clover presented your project to the class and the tribes. They all loved it. "That was amazing, you guys." Poppy said. "Yeah, great job," Branch said. "And the winner of the school project is Princess (Y/n) and Clover!" Rose said. You and Clover smiled and walked in front of her. The two techno trolls growled and swam away. Poppy and Branch cheered. You smiled as you looked at the other trolls. You were glad you and Clover had won.

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