Chapter 13

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A ray of light hit Aurelia's face.

She looked up in shock, gasping. There was a hole in all of this darkness!

Her green eyes widened as she saw it.

It was there! Her escape!

She had to get to it.

Aurelia reached out for the light as she slowly stood up. It wouldn't come to her hands, and she frowned. Suddenly it felt like she was drowning in dark liquid. She groaned.

The light seemed farther and farther.


She needed it!

Aurelia struggled upwards like in deep water, brown hair flying back as she swam towards it. Then she gasped for breath and the black water rushed into her open mouth. She choked, swallowing it.

Her eyes rolled back into her head.

She fell back down, spiralling into the depths of the never-ending darkness.

Laurelyn breathed in.

She sighed and exhaled. She was on the roof of Aurelia's old house, and a cold wind blew past her. She looked up, wondering if it was about to snow.

Everyone was like this to her...


Why couldn't she just have it normal?


What had she done to deserve this?


Her breath was shuddering, shaking as she gasped.


She looked out at the cloudy, starless sky and sighed. Just like her life, cold and dark. Then her ears pricked up as she heard something, the whisper of a cold winter's night.

Laurelyn's grey eyes narrowed. It was cold out here, but it didn't matter. It didn't really bother her anyway, and she didn't move from her standing position.

Act normal, she reminded herself.

Then she heard it again.

"That's her."

There were only two suspicions in her mind: a rogue who wanted revenge for some fallen other was looking for her and had found her, or the Hunter had seen Aurelia through a window.

Either way, it was bad, especially with Aurelia's condition.

Laurelyn still didn't move. If whoever it was hadn't seen or smelt her yet, then her next move definitely would announce her presence. She had to be careful about this.

It wasn't the time to be angry or sad; her emotions would be no part of this. No matter how much Xander had changed, the person there wouldn't wait for her to sort it all out before attacking.

"I should have killed her properly before."

This was her job, to kill all in her way, to be a ruthless, emotionless killing machine they called the Reaper.

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