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I woke up for school and did my usual it was really boring throughout the day, I skipped through the hallway with Rikaru to the library we sat down and ate our lunch. We talked about anything, like school, volleyball, tsukki... and other stuff you know? For some reason i was only dating tsukishima for a week but i felt like i was so inlove with him I mean we were best friends so no excuse?
Rikaru-"wait... y/n... who's that?" I turned my head to see Tsukishima talking to Joshi he had her against the wall with his hands on both sides of her.
Y/n-"he's probably just talking to her right?"
Rikaru-"i mean who talks to someone like that?"
y/n-"i don't know... but it's fine." I continued eating as i tried my hardest to listen to their conversation.
Joshi-"i mean we can meet at the park if you want? But what about y/n?"
Tsukishima-"she's not gonna know just meet me at the park after practice. Make sure no one follows you."
Joshi-"okay! Later!"
Rikaru-"y/n..." Tears formed in my eyes as i slowly broke down in pieces, I covered my eyes and told Rikaru to call Noya and Tanaka.
Noya-"Noya here."
Rikaru-"i umm... Hi this is Rikaru y/n's friend. She just heard Tsukishima talk to Joshi about going to a park?? And she told me to call you."
y/n-"d-don't do anything yet. Come to the library."
Tanaka-"on our way!" They hung up, Rikaru pat my head as I was still crying, Why? I mean he literally just made me his girlfriend and then he does this? I thought he missed me? I thought he cared? Wasn't I supposed to be the only person he really cared about besides his family?
I lifted my head up to see Noya and Tanaka running towards me with their arms wide open. I got up and hugged them as tight as I could.
Y/n-"after practice could you guys come with me to see what tsukki and Joshi are doing at the park?"
Tanaka-"Anything for you!"
                        Rikaru's POV
The moment I saw y/n beat that girls ass. I instantly fell in love with her, i told all my friends about it and they said I was psycho but look at that sweet, sweet, sweet, face. She was everything. Once I saw that she was in my fifth and sixth period I decided to make a move and be friends with her. I knew everything about her after that, Her classes in order, birthday, friends, and close friends. I wanted her so bad, but when i found out she was dating tsukishima I got really mad. No i wasn't the one who set Tsukishima and Joshi up so they could break up. I wouldn't do such a thing to y/n, I want to see her happy, but it was the perfect opportunity to snatch her from tsukishima. The only problem was were the stupid second years that also were obsessed with her. They are always there when y/n needs help. Always. Not like those idiots could fight like y/n but if i get her and prove that i'm way better than tsukishima i could fuck her all i want.
Y/n's POV
We finished practice, i decided to act like nothing happened. A normal day and a normal couple.
y/n-"do you want to come over??"
Tsukishima-"Later I need to help my mom with a couple of things okay?"
y/n-"alright  tsukki!"
Tsukishima-"bye." He left the gym as quickly as he could, i looked at Noya and Tanaka and we quietly followed him.
y/n-"Don't make a single fucking noise. If you do both of you won't get a surprise."
Tanaka-"YOUR WISH IS MY COMMAND!" I laughed a little as we made it to the park, we sat behind a bush and saw them talking.
Joshi-"Are you sure y/n won't find out? I don't want her beating my ass again."
Tsukishima-"Thars only cause you aren't as cool as her."
Joshi-"I can!"
Tsukishima-"Whatever hurry up."
Joshi-"Okay!" Joshi leaned in and kissed Tsukishima. passionately. My eyes widened as Tsukishima picked her up and put her on his lap, I covered my mouth from making any noise I took out my phone and took a picture of them kissing. Joshi gasped and I assumed he slipped his tongue in her mouth I heard a smack.
Tsukishima-"shut up."
He kissed her again. And again. And made a mark on her neck.
Tanaka-"This boy."
Noya-"is gonna get it."
Y/n-"don't say anything yet until tomorrow okay?"
Tanaka-"but do you not see what he's doing?"
Noya-"you're basically broken right now."
Y/n-"I'll confront him myself. You can once it's tomorrow got it?"
I said my goodbyes to Noya and Tanaka and ran home. I tried to hold in my tears so when Tsukishima came he would suspect anything but I just broke down. No one really was there to comfort me when I was younger besides Kuroo and Kenma. But they aren't here. I walked away from them. I sat down on the couch and cried my heart out until i heard a knock on the door. I quickly wiped away my tears and opened the door.
Tsukishima-"hi- Why are your eyes red?"
Y/n-"oh- um- Yk getting high..."
Tsukishima-"don't smoke or you'll die." I rolled my eyes and sat down on the couch, Tsukishima grabbed me and made me sit on his lap. He kissed me on the cheek and attempted to kiss me on the lips.
Y/n-"don't touch me."
y/n-"you made out with Joshi. I know you did."
y/n-"Stop acting dumb." I pulled out my phone and showed him the picture. His eyes widened as I got off his lap.
Tsukishima-"Look it was because she threatened to kill you."
Tsukishima-"fine. I made out with her because she was gonna spread a rumor about you and  me. She said that if I didn't then she would-"
y/n-"stop. I heard what I fucking heard. I saw what I fucking saw. I could care less if she threatened to kill me or spread a rumor me and you. Your answer should always be no. That's it. I can't with you anymore. We're done. Get the fuck out."
Tsukishima-"y/n... believe me. I didn't want you to get hurt."
Tsukishima-"y/n I don't love Joshi I don't love Yachi, I love you. And only you."
Y/n-"I swear to god kei if you don't get out."
I pointed to the door, he sighed as he slowly walked out. After he closed the door I ran up to my room and cried. I had the sweater Tsukishima gave me I put it on and cried in it until I fell asleep.
~Next Day~
I woke up to a bunch of notifications from Suga, Noya, Tanaka, Kuroo and Kenma.
Monday at 8:13pm
Sugamama-"y/n Noya and Tanaka told me what happened. Are you okay?"
Sugamama-"You're probably asleep right now. Well sleep tight i'll come over tomorrow. xSuga."
Monday at 7:21pm
Spike ball-"Y/nnnnnnn are you okayyyyyy."
Spike ball-"I miss youuuu."
Spike ball-"do you want a kisssss??? I'll give you one for freeeee."
spike ball-"me and Tanaka are gonna beat tsukishimas Ass!"
Monday at 7:00pm
baldy-"Sir Yuu and Sir Ryu will be kicking Tsukishima Kei's ass tomorrow. Please do not attend school. I have told your fellow boyfriends that Tsukishima cheated on you. xTanaka"
Monday at 9:33pm
Kenma-"y/n? are you okay? do you want us to come over? We'll be on our way."
Kuroo-"she's probably asleep stupid. Anyways. Either way if you answer or not we're coming over. I'm bringing my best bud Bokuto and he's bringing his friend Akaashi."
Kenma-"yea we'll be there by 12 tomorrow. we will all take you on a shopping spree, anything you want all on us."

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