𝑀𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠

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I smiled from my messages as I messaged them back.
at 7:30am Tuesday
y/n-"hello mom. I am okay... but i will not be at school today please tell everyone that i will tomorrow i will be with Kuroo, Kenma, and their friends today. Tell everyone i love them!"
Sugamama-"Hi y/n! do well okay? I know you hurting rn but do you wanna come over on Thursday to hang out for a bit?"
Y/n-"yeah sure i need that thanks suga!💞"
Sugamama-"anything for you sugar💞!" (ik)
               at 7:35am Tuesday
y/n-"hi noya yes i do want i kiss. come here now😠"
spike ball-"on my way!"
(5 minutes later)
spike ball-"i'm here!"
y/n-"i didn't think you'll actually come here"
spike ball-"well i am so open up!"
I ran downstairs and opened the door to see a ball of sunshine jumping on me.
Noya gave me kisses all over me. Literally. He kissed my forehead, cheek, lips, neck, nose.
y/n-"noyaaa! I said A kiss not kisses!"
Noya-"A kiss is a kiss baby!"
y/n-"okay okay! go to school now! i'll see you later!" Noya got off of me and pat my head, i smiled as I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him on the lips. He smiled and walked away.
at 7:47am Tuesday
baldy-"anywho i'm ready to beat kei's ass. I'll tell you how it goes."
y/n-"don't hurt him that much..."
baldy-"And why? He hurt you, he made out with JOSHI."
y/n-"i know but im stronger than you think."
baldy-"get with someone. like me. or suga. or noya. or yams! or kageyama."
y/n-"shut up and go to school."
                 at 7:53am Tuesday
y/n-"what's up."
Kuroo-"we're almost at miyagi."
kenma-"you better be ready when we get there."
Kuroo-"HEY HEY HEY-Bokuto"
Kenma-"hello. - Akaashi"
Kenma-"get ready y/n."
kuroo-"don't wear anything that shows to much."
kenma-"wear something that will make tsukishima jealous. Cause i'm gonna post you on my ig."
y/n-"ummm okay."
I turned my phone off and walked to my closet, i looked around and saw a red hoodie that Kuroo gave me when i was in 6th grade and he  accidentally threw a volleyball at my head i fell in the pond so he gave me his hoodie to wear while my clothes dried. I got black short shorts and black converse, i curled my hair and put it in a low ponytail. My doorbell rang I ran downstairs to see Joshi and Tsukishima.
y/n-"noya i- oh. hi." I looked down to see that they were holding hands, i slowly broke down again.
y/n-"what do you want."
Joshi-"We came to pick you up to go to school duh!"
y/n-"sorry sweet cakes but i'm not going to school."
Joshi-"oh. why?"
y/n-"i'm going to Tokyo."
Joshi-"but we just got back from the beach aren't you-"
Tsukishima-"shut up Joshi let's go i don't know why you wanted to come here." Tsukishima let go of Joshi's hand and walked away. I closed the door and fell to the floor it was like I couldn't breathe, my heart was racing and i was balling my eyes out. I closed my eyes and took a couple of deep breaths. I thought when I found tsukki it would be like the old times. It was be like a dream relationship. I thought wrong. I heard a knock on my door. again. I rolled my eyes and opened the door from the floor. I saw Suga.
He dropped down and hugged me.
Suga-"I was walking to school and I saw Joshi and Tsukishima at your house. Are you okay?"
y/n-"n-no. She doesn't even talk to tsukishima and their dating already?"
Suga-"I know it hurts. I texted Daichi and told him i was gonna be late so you don't have to worry about me."
Suga picked me up he closed the door and took me to my room, he softly placed me on my bed and sat next to me. He hugged me while he also played with my hair. We sat there for awhile.
y/n-"why are you being nice?"
Suga-"because. I want to treat everyone the same but you are my first priority."
I looked up at suga and smiled. He smiled back as he slowly leaned in. he kissed me. I was in shock but i kissed him back, he put me on his lap without breaking the kiss he licked my lip asking for an entrance as i granted him his wish. He played around with my tongue as we both fought. He won. He slowly moved down to my neck leaving little light hickey marks I let out soft moans as I switched the roles and began to give him dark hickeys where people could see. He came close to my ear and whispered. "i thought you were sad..."
I quickly realized what i was doing and stopped
Suga-"I didn't mean it like that sugar! I don't know why Tsukishima left you, you sure are good."
Suga-"i'll be on my way. i'll see on Thursday."
When he left I slapped myself. 'didn't i kiss noya?'
Another knock on the door. I ran downstairs to see a guy with grey hair and boomerang eyebrows.
Akaashi-"hi. I'm Keiji Akaashi, this is Kōtarō Bokuto, you can call me Akaashi and him Bokuto."
y/n-"hi. I'm y/n l/n you can call me whatever you want i don't care."
Bokuto-"ohhh can I have your number?!"
y/n-"sure. Let me see your phone."
Kenma-"thanks for letting us stay here."
I looked up from Bokutos phone with my eyebrow raised, Kuroo had a bunch of bags in his hand.
Kenma-"yeah we're staying for the week, to keep you company. We'll probably go to school with you."
Kuroo-"now look pretty i need to take a picture of you."
He moved me in the middle between bokuto and akaashi, I gave a close eye smiled and a peace sign.
Kenma-"good. I'll tag you."
Bokuto-"how about we settle in your house and go out for a lunch break."
y/n-"sure. Where?"
Kuroo-"it's all on us so you pick."
y/n-" how about the josai Cafe? I could call Oikawa to see if he'll meet us there."
Kuroo-"now that guy is kind of flirty with you..."
y/n-"who even cares i'm not dating anyone. Not for a long time."
Kenma-"it's our treat so she can go wherever she wants to go."
y/n-"great i'll call him up!"
I got my phone and called Oikawa, I was scared to call him and that he might ignore me.
Oikawa-"Toru here."
y/n-"Hi oikawa! I just want to know if me and my friends could come to the cafe by Aobajōsai."
Oikawa-"yes yes yes! Who's coming with you? is it four eyes? tell him I won't get too touchy with you."
y/n-"no, i- i'll tell you the story. Bye i'll see you in a bit."
Oikawa-"Alright, meet me in the front of Aobajōsai."
I hung up the phone, I walked to the car and sat down in the front. magically Kenma wanted to drive i was scared cause he was going really fast. I put my head on the door and look outside. I felt a hand rub on my thigh, I saw Kenma he didn't look at me he just kept his eyes on the road and payed no attention to me.
Kenma-"So what are you planning on eating?"
y/n-"maybe a strawberry shortcake..."
'that was tsukki's favorite'
Kenma-"what about a blueberry one? I know you're thinking about Tsukishima."
y/n-"uh sure..."
Kuroo-"BAHAHAH LOOK AT THE COMMENTS ON YOUR POST KENMA!" I snatched Kuroo's phone and looked through the comments.
Caption: Kozumee- Came to Miyagi for @ y/nnn11( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
Oikawa.Toru- Beautiful doll!
iwaazumi- cool.
Koshi.Suga-wow have fun y/n!
Noya.ladiesman- Thats my baby!
Tanaka.101- @ noya.ladiesman YOURE DATING Y/N
Noya.ladiesman-no but i did give her kisses this morning😉
ilovetsukki.Joshi-cute hope we can hang out sometime! Bring your boy toys with you y/n!
Kozumee- @ ilovetsukki.Joshi she said she'll pass. She doesn't want to hang out with someone who can't fight
Tetsurōkuroo- @ ilovetsukki.Joshi shes fine she would rather spend her day with people who won't stab her back yk?
HEYHEYHEY- @ ilovetsukki.Joshi LEAVE Y/N ALONE
Akaashi.Keiji- @ ilovetsukki.Joshi please restrain from commenting on any of @ Kozumee posts
keitsukishima- you look cute.
noya.ladiesman- I KNOW ISNT SHE PRETTY
hinataaa.shoyo-WOW Y/N YOU LOOK GORGUS!
Tobiokageyama-Gorus @ hinataaa.shoyo
Noya.ladiesman- NO ISNT IT GOREGUS @ tobiokageyama
keitsukishima-it's gorgeous you idiots @ noya.ladiesman @ hinataaa.shoyo @ tobiokageyama
kiyoko.0- have fun! :)
keistukishima- @ noya.ladiesman i know she's pretty. She was my girlfriend.
ilovetsukki.Joshi- @ keitsukishima BUT YOU HAVE ME NOW BABBY❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍😍😍😘😘😘
captian.daichi- you look amazing y/n have a nice day!
Asahi.Jesus- beautiful soul!
yaku.shortboy-  @ lev.tallboy BC WE WERE INCHARGE OF THE TEAM IDIOT
keitsukishima-can we meet up tomorrow @ y/nnn11?
y/nnn.11- @ keitsukishima im sorry but after school i'll be with Kuroo and kenma. Gomen.
keitsukishima- @ y/nnn.11 I understand have a nice day.
y/nnn11- @ keitsukishima arigato.
I gave the phone back to Kuroo.
Kuroo-"Do you really wanna see four eyes again?"
Y/n-"I don't know. I do but I don't. Him and Joshi came to my house earlier but he didn't even look happy with her."
Akaashi-"Then why did they kiss?"
y/n-"don't know. When we were fighting i didn't let him explain..."
Tsukishima's POV
Fuck. Why did I even agree? I lost the best thing that could happen to me. I re read the messages from yesterday with Joshi.
Joshi-"Gm tsukki! I have a pretty good deal for you."
Joshi-"if you make out with me at the park then I won't  spread the worst possible rumor about y/n AND you"
Joshi-"basically if you make out with me for 5 minutes i'll leave you alone for the rest of the year. I know the risks i'm taking."
Joshi-"or i'll kill her."
Joshi-"JUST KIDDING! but the rumor about you and y/n is way more terrible than when y/n beat me up. It's where you fucked each other at the beach and then you got y/n pregnant and that you have many many many hoes, plus yamaguchi is your fuck buddy ofc i can keep adding to the rumor."
Tsukishima-"fine. But if i lose her cause of you i'll kill you."
I'm stupid. How could I make fun of Hinata and kageyama for being dumb when I made the dumbest decision ever? Now i'm stuck with some weird girl i hate with everything in my body.
Joshi-"you sure are a good kisser babyyyy."
I skipped class cause she wanted to make out. I know y/n wouldn't do this, even if she was the horniest person alive. Joshi kissed me again and added more tongue, i was barley putting any effort in kissing her, I couldn't even get away from her she followed me everywhere. She interrupted my conversations with Yamaguchi multiple times.
Joshi-"i love you kei."
Joshi-"Why are you being so dry? i'm giving you all my love and you give me a half ass kiss. What the hell."
Tsukishima-"fine you want a good kiss." I grabbed her face and glued her lips to mine, i stuck my tongue so far her throat she gagged I bit her lip making it bleed. I could never do this to y/n.

everything that happened TsukishimaxreaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum