Chapter 62

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The forces gathered, coldly resuming their lines, ignoring the hundreds of decimated ships from their number floating in the ocean. There was no fear in this great, indomitable army, commanded by the brightest and most cruel minds in the world.

Hiccup felt hopelessness surge over him again. He bowed his head, trying to drive out the responsibility that was ripping him apart from the inside. But there was no reprieve.

"It's a mess." Annie said, interrupting his thoughts. He looked up. "You must feel horrible." she continued. "Your troops are decimated, the Generals have lost control, and it seems that losing is inevitable." Hiccup sighed. "Thank you for summing that up." he said sarcastically.

Annie smiled. "I wasn't finished!" She looked out at the sky. "Do you remember the first time we all fought together on dragonback? Kroagan and his riders were heading for the Hidden World, and the odds seemed hopeless. But what did you do? You charged right in, yelling like an idiot, waving a do-it-yourself flaming sword! And you won!"

Hiccup chuckled. "You aren't a commander ordering troops on the sidelines!" Annie reminded him, "you are a symbol of hope, always coming first, always leaving last! And don't you ever forget it!"

Hiccup smiled, and warmth surged in his heart, returning the hope that had been absent since he had seen the great army. Then there was a flapping of wingbeats, and Christopher, Tyler and Sarah arrived, all mounted and ready.

Hiccup looked surprised. "What are you guys going here?" he asked. "We got bored of Mission Control!" Sarah said lightly. "It's time to do things the way that always worked for us!" Hiccup grinned. "Sounds alright to me!"

"And one more thing..." Christopher said. He rummaged in his pack for a moment, and then he produced a small metal rod. Hiccup frowned. "What's this?" Christopher smiled. "Just take it!"

Hiccup did, and he suddenly noticed a small Strike Class engraving, a button carved into the metal. And suddenly, he understood. With a grin, he pressed the button, and one half of the rod split, folding open into the hilt of a sword.

But instead of a sword blade, there was a humming and a shield materialized, pulling a substance out of the hilt.

Then, as it formed, Hiccup saw exactly what it was. A sword made of pure Night Fury plasma. Suddenly, on the bottom of the hilt, he saw two words he had missed.

"Infeno II"

He gaped. "You made this for me?!!" Christopher smiled. "If you're going to charge into battle, you might as well do it with an Inferno by your side!" Hiccup's smile widened almost to the breaking point. "Well, what are we waiting for! For the dragons!"

"FOR THE DRAGONS!!!" The other original Riders yelled, and the ten of them, five riders, five dragons, charged into the battle.

The Prime Minister was laughing, pulling out a glass of wine. "This will be too easy!"

Then, suddenly, the commander on the black dragon began to move forward. The Prime Minister gasped, choking on his drink. "What? He would charge into the battle?!! Impossible!!!"

Hiccup smiled, already guessing the Prime Minister's thoughts. "Oh, your definition of possible is about to change!"

And the original riders attacked.

No one in all the armies of the United Nations had ever expected that their greatest threat would come from a fifteen-year-old schoolkid with the name of an involuntary bodily function.

Yet this young leader charged through the ships, yelling a ridiculous battle cry as he and the fearsome dragon he rode careened through the forces, making great dents in them.

Age of the Dragons (HTTYD Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora