Chapter 2

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Shadow whizzed across the Hidden World at full speed, swerving erratically between the crystals.

Calling upon his extensive knowledge of the area, he dodged through tight spaces, cartwheeling through caves and doing anything to throw off pursuer. Finally, after a mad dash through a narrow alley, Shadow surfaced in a small room hidden by waterfalls.

Checking to make sure the room was clear, Shadow settled onto a rock in the middle of the area, tense and alert.

There was a faint swooping noise, and a dragon passed near the cave. Shadow barely stifled a whimper of fear, and took off, shooting through more caverns, as something crashed into the room behind him, and gave chase.

Fueled by fear, Shadow shot out into the open, nearly breaking the sound barrier as he soared up into the air. Catapulting around pillars, he whizzed away, leaving only a large cloud of dust in his wake.

The Night Fury roared in elation, celebrating his successful escape. Then, he felt something grab onto his tail.

Skidding involuntarily to a stop, Shadow struggled, but to no avail. "HELP ME!!!" he roared, but it was futile."Oh no! You're coming with me!"  Moonglow said from behind. Shadow groaned, and went limp. "Do I really have to?" he whined. Moonglow sighed in exasperation. "You're the King of Dragons now! You need to be present for the decision making affairs!"

"No! I refuse!" Shadow said adamantly. "Very well..." Moonglow responded slyly, "I was hoping it wouldn't come to this, but...NOW!"

10 minutes later, Shadow was present in a council room, being sat on by a very enthusiastic Mango. Moonglow sat smugly beside him, ignoring the furious glares Shadow was shooting her.

"Very well then, if the KING OF DRAGONS SO PERMITS, we shall start." Shadow was silent for a moment, then he muttered, "Fine."

Mango relinquished her hold, and Shadow got up, roaring in the customary fashion. "Okay, let's go!" he said, slipping into his role as King easily.

The first dragon stepped up, ready to present her measure. "Hold on just a second..." Shadow said. "Before we get down to business, I'd like to present a measure. All boring meetings (like this) should come with complementary cookies. All in favor?"

Every dragon in the room raised a wing.

"Perfect! Mango, if you would..." Mango jumped up. "They'll be ready in 10 minutes!" and he flew off.

Even despite his occasional dodges of work, Shadow had already consolidated his reputation as the greatest King of Dragons since Toothless the Great. It had hardly been a month since Shadow was crowned, but he was startlingly popular.

Shadow himself had been very wary of the responsibility at first, but he had grown into the role, and was starting to enjoy himself. He hardly knew what he would do without Moonglow, who's incentive to work was far greater than his for the first two weeks.

But as he curled up to sleep in the King and Queen's chambers that night, he knew that the dreams that would not escape him would return.

Shadow took off across the Hidden World, running from the responsibility everyone said he could handle, but he felt he couldn't. He didn't want to be the Prince of Dragons, to inherit the responsibility of leadership that would eventually fall on him.

So he had run, trying to forget about his troubles.

Shadow scanned the Hidden World as he flew by, relaxing as he headed closer and closer to the edge of the Hidden World. Finally, he spotted an adequate wall, and turned, heading for a nondescript cave entrance where he was sure no one would check for him.

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