Chapter 57

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All around the country, the citizens had thronged to the streets, gathering around the large screens, as indicated by their consoles. Almost all were afraid, and suspicious murmurings came from the crowd, as they glanced fearfully at the ships hovering above.

Then, the Strike Class symbol faded to Hiccup, still with mask on, looking calm and collected. "Hello everyone," he said calmly, "I do apologize for any fear or anger invoked by the events earlier today. My plan had been for a simple and clean acquisition without fighting, however, it seems that a group of escaped convicts and former citizens had other ideas. I believe now that we have the situation under control, and I may explain in full the reason for my unusual seizing of this country."

Hiccup took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "I know that many of you have suffered under the tyranny of Malt Dunprod." People gasped, drawing back in surprise. Hiccup laughed. "Don't worry, Malt Dunprod and his associates are very securely locked up! You are safe here."

"I know you are afraid. Speaking out against Malt Dunprod has always had its challenges, and it is possible that many of you in fact support him. But I would respectfully inquire for those of you who do, not to attack your fellow citizens on the grounds of speaking their true opinion, or I may be forced to neutralize you."

The atmosphere suddenly turned cold, and no one had a doubt that violence against people suppressed by Malt Dunprod would result in a punishment more horrible than they were willing to endure.

Then, the mood lightened, and Hiccup continued. "It is a horrible thing to have a nation supposedly standing for equality be perverted into a system where the hard work of the many goes into the pockets of the few. I know for a fact that your mayors, generals, governors, superior officials and many of the citizens as well are pardoned criminals, paid with either status, freedom or money to do Malt Dunprod's cruel bidding. This is an inhumane and unlawful act, but not unsurprising. As far back in history as we can remember, there have occasionally been rotting apples in the bunch, but none have ever gone to the lengths this tyrant has. Because the terrorist organization that has killed millions of freedom fighters, underprivileged minorities and climate activists is, in fact, founded by Malt Dunprod, and its movements are commanded by the President to get adversaries out of the way."

Gasps passed unburdened through the crowd, as people tried to cope with this knowledge. Many were horrified, including some who had been previously indignant at Hiccup's opinion of Malt Dunprod, but there was still a large group looking smug and victorious.

Finally, one especially smarmy looking one climbed onto a faux-fountain, and addressed the crowd. "This man is worthless!" he proclaimed.

Immediately, shocked eyes turned to him. Hiccup frowned under the mask, but allowed the man to continue. "All this proves is that Malt Dunprod is willing to use more than the military to achieve his honorable goals! Blacks don't deserve to be part of the greatest nation on Earth! Foreigners are a virus that needs to be eradicated forcefully! And citizens who want to be creative should be punished for their utter disrespect of true leadership!"

Hiccup felt anger surge up inside of him. He tensed imperceptibly, but quickly calmed himself down. "Everyone is a person." he said calmly, restraining the rage to only his mind. "No matter your opinions, I believe that everyone should be treated fairly and equally, paid and housed by their actions, not by their current societal standing. And those are the rules that will prevail while I control this territory. But I will not use force against you, for expressing your...views."

Then, his voice hardened, a little bit of anger seeping into his words. "But if you attempt to harm any citizen because of what they look like, or where they came from, I will lock you in a dungeon for the rest of your life and you will rot in darkness, depression and solitude."

The man's eyes widened, fear flickering onto his face. Hiccup chuckled. "Don't worry! Lifetime imprisonment 13 stories underground does come with food and a daily magazine! Now if you could please allow me to continue..."

The man hurriedly stepped down, bolting from the spot. Others who had been cheering the man on were silenced, retreating to the back of the crowd.

"But Malt Dunprod is not truly the problem," Hiccup continued, "this entire world is built on cruelty to a different factor. Nature."

People looked surprised. The word "nature" had come up sometimes in the study of ancient history, along with illustrations of odd things with tangled wires and puffy ends. Hiccup gestured to Christopher, who loaded up a series of illustrations made by some of the more artful Berkians.

"Nature," Hiccup explained, "was the things in this world before humans covered it all up. There was no technology in nature, it consisted of non-sentient beings that lived and grew like humans. Among these were trees."

A picture appeared beside Hiccup on the screen, depicting a masterfully done illustration of a tree. People gasped. Pure green was seldom seen in the world, and this green was stronger in tone than ever used in web programs or lighting.

Hiccup nodded. "It is quite a shock, after the orderly, metal nature of this world. But I can assure you that you will love these beings." And he gestured for a ship.

Suddenly, a large freight ship with an open top sailed down, heading slowly towards one of the courtyards in Miami. People hurriedly moved out of the way, clearing a space large enough for it to land in.

And when it did, everyone around the nation, even the ones witnessing the event virtually, gasped.

Inside, was a collection of small plants Christopher had taken from New Berk, all arranged in a pot of dirt. People went over to it, shocked by its soft colors and edges. There were no painful reflections, no scanners, simply still beauty, in a unique color.

Immediately, people swung up onto the freight ship, approaching the bed where the plants were contained and feeling their soft leaves. People's eyes lit up with delight, and there was excited chatter through the crowds.

Hiccup smiled. "And that's not all, trees are much larger, sometimes growing up to the size of a building!" People gasped and turned their heads up, imagining a plant as beautiful as the ones they were seeing in a much larger size. "Plus, many of the smaller ones will give off food that tastes much better than anything we could manufacture!" People shook their heads, disbelieving.

"And," Hiccup continued, "water is blue, not silver!" People gasped, trying to imagine water that was blue, not the dead, metallic color that came out of filtered faucets. "But, there are other sentient species along with these ones. And among those, are the dragons." Suddenly, Shadow landed next to the plants, standing tall and proud.

People screamed and shrank back from his fearsome figure, fingering around for weapons. Then, Shadow inhaled a leaf, and sneezed. People stopped. "Aaand cuteness time..." Hiccup said under his breath.

About five minutes later, when the assault on Shadow had died down, and people had mostly stopped obsessing over his adorable nature, Hiccup continued.

"This is the world that existed before humans built their cold, lifeless cities over them. And the reason why I wish to take control of this world, and the technology that allows me to, is for and from Nature."

People suddenly began to understand things as they were. Hiccup smiled. "But now that I have taken over, there are a lot of things that are going to change around here!"

This chapter went through quite a few iterations, and I can't say I'm particularly happy with the end result. I know this is another speech, but it was too important to not include. Eh, good enough!

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