Chapter 35

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Here is the chapter for Thursday, surprisingly on-time! (We'll, it's the evening, so I don't know if anyone will see this until tomorrow. Dang it! I was really good about updating in the morning for a while...

Christopher swept by Reaper, poking at various bits of technology. "It's a good system you have here," he said, and then he grinned. "But it could be better!"

Christopher spent the next three or so hours running around, placing all sorts of devices in every nook and cranny, and linking them to his system.

At first, the people had been angry and shocked, then wary, and they eventually warmed up to Christopher, beginning to help him with his plan. By the time his preliminary round of upgrades had gone through, everyone except Reaper was friendly with him, pointing out all sorts of deficiencies in their system that Christopher ended up being able to solve.

Finally, Christopher collapsed, breathing hard but smiling. "Phew! That was hard work!" he said, "but I think your place should be more or less safe, even with the weapons in it." Reaper scowled, and pulled away the chair Christopher was sitting in.

"Now look here," he said, "you can't just walk into this place and immediately start messing with our hard-earned technology!" "I just did." Christopher said dryly. Then his expression softened. "But I know what you mean. I'm sorry for going on without permission. But this place needs to be fortified before the weapons come, or else all of you are in severe danger, and I felt the need to hurry."

Reaper scowled less. "But why are the weapons coming here? Why do you need to bother our lives?" "Because the weapons are directly connected to Sarah." Christopher explained. Reaper looked puzzled. "Don't worry," Christopher said, "I'll be able to properly explain when you see what the weapons are. But until then...allies?" He held out his hand to Reaper.

Reaper paused. Then, he smiled. "Allies." he agreed, and shook Christopher's hand. Sarah snickered. "That took longer than it needed to."


The next evening, the A-Team flew stealthily and quickly. In an hour, they were over land. Now, they flew slower, sticking high to the sky, and using the clouds as cover whenever they could.

The younger part of the night passed slowly and quietly, as the riders slid above the ignorant civilization, finding the locations that Christopher had pointed out, and Philip had then looked up on a map.

And then, just a few minutes from midnight, they saw it. The dark alley where they were heading. The dragons went into a hover, slowly churning the clouds as the riders peered down, making sure there were no sentries.

A hovering camera whizzed by, circling around the buildings, before moving on. A human sentry posted on a nearby building yawned, and turned his back. The route was clear.

At Hiccup's signal, the riders dove as one, a faint blur as they shot towards the buildings, clearing them in an instant, and flapping their wings to land softly in the foreordained alley. Soren looked up, tense and silent, but no one had noticed them. He breathed out a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, a chime came from a nearby virtual clocktower. "Twelve o'clock PM" a robotic voice said, the replacement for the bell sounds that had been present until a century before. Soren looked around, but nothing happened.

Then, a section of a wall slid open, and five masked figures marched out, loaded guns aimed around the alley. The four of them gasped, and ran screaming back through the door they had come from. The fifth one rolled - her? - eyes, and put the gun down.

"I suppose I never really warned them what was coming..." she said offhandedly, "ah, well, Reaper can deal with them." And she pulled off her mask.

Suddenly, Soren recognized her. "Sarah!" he exclaimed. "In the flesh!" she grinned. Then, Sarah's eyes fell on the dragons, and she looked surprised. "They seem kinda out of place here. This is definitely not their world yet!"

And she gestured to Darkfyre, who was growling at a floating ad drifting by overhead. Soren chuckled. "No, probably not." he agreed.

Suddenly, a battle shout emanated from the door, and the same masked figures came charging out. "Slay the monsters!" the one in the front yelled, and tried to fire a gun. Soren threw himself in front of Darkfyre, but the gun clicked harmlessly, not firing.

The masked figure gaped. "B..but how...?" Soren was surprised as well. He picked himself up off the ground, looking in shock at the gun. "I don't understand..." he said.

Quickly, he swiped the man's gun, and held it close to Darkfyre's body. The gun spluttered, and stopped working entirely! Soren gasped. "Dragons block technology?!! How come I never noticed..."

And then more pieces of the complex dragon puzzle came together. "Of course!" Soren realized, "the reason why technology doesn't work in Scandinavia is because that's where all the dragons have been for centuries! And that's why the dragon capsules cancel that out...because they come from the same place!"

Suddenly, recognition dawned on the face of Sarah and the A-Team. "It all makes sense now!" they said in unison. The other people present watched in shock. Sarah turned around. "Don't shoot the dragons. Those are the weapons Christopher was transporting!" "D-dragons?" one asked fearfully. Sarah chuckled. "Surprisingly, yes."

At that moment, Reaper came storming out. "Sarah! Crusher says there are...dragons..." And he stared in awe and horror at the dragons in front of him. "I told you that you'd understand when you saw the weapons!" Christopher said, walking out of the door, "the weapons are dragons."

Reaper gaped, completely at a loss for words. "I believe some introductions, and explanations, are in order." Sarah said.


Timothy lay in bed, staring at the blank, cold ceiling above him. It had been almost two weeks since he had discovered that some of his patients might have core rot, and even though they had been released, and he had deleted the Core Rip scans on orders from his superior, he couldn't get them out of his mind.

He sighed. What is wrong with me... he thought. Why can't I just follow orders! But curiosity was getting the better of him.

Timothy got up, and padded out of the bedroom, finding a console in his small apartment kitchenette. He picked it up, and loaded the medical statistics from the patients. He opened the "DIAGNOSE" window, and scrolled down to a small black button at the bottom.

His finger hovered over the "CHECK FOR CORE RIP" button, and Timothy hesitated. Then, he strengthened his resolve. I'm a doctor, Timothy reminded himself, it's my job to make sure that the patients are okay.

And he pressed the button.

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