A hidden note

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Fabian was still a little shaken by that ghostly servant, as he inspected every inch of his chambers. They were large, with their own bathroom and lounge space, as well as a small area of uncovered wooden floor boards - for pacing, sitting and dancing. A large fireplace sat at one end, with two sofas, a small table and a chaise-lounge in front of the gigantic thing, which was still warm with burning embers. The mirror above the mantelpiece was immaculate, and told him of every imperfection and fault of his that could be seen from the outside... and from the inside, too, with that ethereal shimmering gleam.

After lifting every rug, and peeking behind both paintings and tapestries, Fabian at last opened the dark wood wardrobe, that creaked softly at the ancient hinges. Suddenly, right in his face, a letter mocked him from inside the breast-pocket of one of his many blazers. Of course that's where Adelaide put the letter. Of course.

He tore it open excitedly, not even bothering to find a letter opener or knife. Instead, he unfolded the paper with zealor, and... how peculiar. Encoded using simple encryption that he was taught long ago by Adelaide herself, (honestly it felt as if it were only for show) it read:

Barron Fabian Blitheste,

I am writing to you under direct orders from His Majesty, the king of Aaflad.

Fabian gasped - the king himself?! What could he possibly want with Fabian - not even his Father, the genius businessman, or his mother, the immensely noble and loyal, but him, their Father's failed son?

As he understands, in the quarter century that your father and Lady Jijisa Blitheste have been married, they have encountered a number of troublesome issues, involving yourself, your elder sister, and of course, the other Lords and Ladies of the high houses. Some appeared to act with ridicule and disdain at their partnership, while others even extended their distrust to yourself and your siblings. This, of course, only increased at your sister removing herself from her responsibilities as an heiress.

His Majesty has found these issues troubling, as he always saw the Blitheste family as close and trustworthy allies - even after the uniting of the Blitheste and the Sans families. After a close evaluation, His majesty and I have decided to afford you an offer.

I recognised your capabilities long ago, during the brief period during which you received my tuition, and since then they appear to have only grown. Therefore, we both believe that you would be a prime candidate to scour and quiz servants and Varalian nobles, and to ascertain any and all information you can on the true nature of the Varalian authorities, and any plans they may have. Of course, information which will be reported directly back to me, and by extension, his Majesty.

Any information gained will be heartily rewarded, of course.

If you decide against this offer, simply notify me and this will be at an end.

Speak to me by tomorrow if you do not wish to accept.

I hope you are doing well, and settling in to your new home, as we will all be staying here for a while, I feel. I hear your Father's family are doing well for themselves, and I very much hope that your sister is. I was always very fond of Lady Fauna, as I am of Lady Jijisa.

Now please dispose of this letter.

 - Adelaide.

The letter gave him shock after shock. Although Fabian knew he had some talent for manipulation, this task seemed all too big. And yet, the consequences of rejecting it... perhaps embarrassment, perhaps his family would be flung from the high houses... But then, what if, after accepting, he wasn't up to the challenge? Then, even worse could occur... his father's family, she'd mentioned them. Fabian had never cared much for his cousins, aunts and uncles. But his grandmother was a sweet lady, and if any harm were to come to her, he would be devastated. Yet, any positives to having his Father's glaring link to his past life removed, would be reversed by his Elder sister, Fauna's, reaction. Fauna was incredibly fond of their Father's brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews. Fabian couldn't bear to see her cry when they were taken away.

In the end, though, there was no other option.
Fabian threw the letter into the embers, glad to be rid of those haunting words. He would begin his new task today.

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