Hot Soup and Tea

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She'd known something was wrong from the moment that boy, dressed in the yellowing, creased shirt of the poor paige-boys, had appeared in the shadows on the opposite side of the stairs. He'd spoken urgently to one of the senior servants, who had quietly made his way to the king. She'd had no idea what the news was, only that it was important enough to pause such an important ceremony, and even to allow the king's mask to slip a little. Not that anyone would've noticed, but she'd known him long enough to notice the tenseness to his stride, to his neck. To notice the slight flair of his eyes and twitch of his hand. Her Father had followed him as he near enough ran back up the stairs. What a disaster. Oh well, it would hardly cause anything worse than embarrassment, she hoped.

On returning to her chambers, her servant from last night knocked on the door, bringing her in a much-needed hot bowl of soup and tea. Normally, eating outside of mealtimes could be considered glutinous, but today, she really needed it. On the tray, under the small bowl of steamy broth, a note caught her attention, in handwriting that was instantly recognisable. It told her to come for a meal tonight in the lower hall. Not the great hall. Oh well, she didn't have any plans, anyway.

Author's Note: if you're seeing this, thanks for reading this far! This is the first story I've ever published on wattpad, and I'm really enjoying it so far. If you enjoyed this, then don't worry because I've got the next five or so chapters already written and ready to publish! I am determined to finish this, so don't let the 'unfinished' status put you off, and please consider giving me a vote if you enjoyed. Thanks <3

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