On the stairs

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Sluggishly running up the second flight of stairs, she almost collided with the servant coming down the other way.
"Careful, there, don't spill your food, Little Lady!"

"I'm so sorry, cook, I'm just in a bit of a rush. I was held up." The plump, tall woman in a brown dress and white apron smiled knowingly.

"Of course. I wish I caught you down there, actually, there's something we need to discuss. Soon." She was already turned away, with one black-booted foot on the next creaky stair.

"Yes, yes, of course." She was fully ready to collapse into bed as soon as she was able.
"It's about Annia." The girl immediately stopped short, and spun on the ball of her foot, sloshing some wine onto the spotless white marble."Would an hour after dinner be a good time, Little Lady? In the usual spot?" She barely made out the words as she turned back around, her throat dry, and croaked:

"No. Meet me there, but bring a torch." The cook bowed her head and the girl in the shawl heard her footsteps clop down all the way to the kitchen. Her own boots made no noise but the complaints of the ancient stairs, lined with dust like a worn carpet that faded to grey at the edges. Up, up to the main hallway to discard her shawl on the hook. Up, up to the left wing to deliver this meal to the ornate dark-oak table it belonged at.

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