Having you

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"BRANCH!" Poppy shouted. "Oh no! It's happening!" Branch said. "What's happening?" Biggie asked. "Poppy is having a baby!" Branch said. "WHAT?!" Everyone asked. "But she's not supposed to be due for weeks!" Cooper said. "That's what they said!" Branch said. He began to panic. "What am I supposed to do?! I'm not ready!" He said. "Branch, chill! You go and find Poppy. The rest of us will meet you there." Guy Diamond said. Branch began to nod. "Yeah, right. Okay. Don't worry, I'm coming Poppy!" Branch said as he quickly ran off. "Ooh! I can't believe it! She's actually having a baby!" Biggie squealed with excitement. "I know! I bet it'll  be adorable!" Cooper said. "Well, let's go!" Satin said. "Yeah. We have to be there for Poppy." Chenille agreed. "Oh. I remember when I had my baby. It was the happiest day of my life." Guy Diamond said. "Mine too." Tiny Diamond said. Branch quickly ran over to Poppy. "Poppy! Has the baby come yet?!" He asked. "No. But it's almost here." Poppy said. Branch sighed in relief. "Where's everyone else?" Poppy asked. "Don't worry, they're coming." Branch said. The snack pack ran over to Branch and Poppy. Peppy was there too. "I can't believe it. I'm about to be a grandpa!" Peppy said with excitement. Poppy smiled at him. Branch went up to Poppy. "It's coming!" She shouted. "Now, now. Just relax. Okay? Relax, Poppy." Branch said softly. "Oh I can't wait!" Cooper said. Poppy grunted in pain for a few minutes, until an egg suddenly came out from her pink hair. Everyone gasped. The egg hatched, and a tiny (F/c) Pop Troll came out. "Aw!" Everyone said. "She's adorable!" Satin said. "And so tiny!" Chenille said. The (F/c) Pop Troll landed in Poppy's arms. Poppy smiled at her softly as Branch stared at her in awe, along with the other trolls. "There she is." Peppy said. "Look, Branch. It's our daughter." Poppy said. "I see her. She's beautiful." Branch said. "What should we name her?" Poppy asked. Branch thought for a moment. "Hmm... what about (Y/n)?" He asked. Poppy and the others seemed to enjoy the name Branch suggested. "(Y/n), huh? I like it. (Y/n)." Poppy smiled at the small troll in her arms. "Poppy, may I hold her?" Peppy asked. "Sure." Poppy said. Poppy let her father hold you for a bit. "Aw, there's my granddaughter." He said. After that, Branch held you. "Hey, (Y/n)." He said softly. "Dada!" You said. You smiled and giggled.

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