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I ran down the halls with Reanon on my back. The stench of mothballs was thick in the air. My heavy steps left imprints in the dusty floor. Wind rushed through my coat. The snake man told us where to go. The man had a sick humor. Everyone was alive,the state of which was unknown. Reanon steered me into a room by pulling a side of my coat. We went left into a bright room. I sniffed, there was a lot of people here. People and creatures that I couldn't save. Snake man gave us five minutes before he'd lock Snow and Faith's tube again. We had four left thanks to my speed. I saw them.

Snow was in crueler shape than expected. In human form she had a deep gash in her thigh. Faith was sobbing into Snow's side. Her hands pressed over the gash, blood red. Reanon dashed to them and tapped on the tube three times. A seal broke and Faith looked up. She had a bloody nose. Reanon placed a hand over Snow's gash. Gentle lights came from his fingers and closed the gash.

"She will be okay," he looked at Faith," I will fix your nose when we get out."

When we got out of the building we turned to look at it. It was impossible, a tiny hut was the outsnake-man  This world was so strange. Reanon helped Faith with her injury as Snow spoke to me.

"I thought it was the end," her voice was soft," I really did. Where are we going Atraya? I wanna stop running soon."

I rubbed her back," we will find a safe haven Snow don't you worry," I said as my gaze rised to the moon in the sky.

There is a place dear sister, a place to be safe, its just beyond the far willow tree.

A breeze carried leaves towards a lone willow tree at the edge of the forest. The willow glowed brightly. Somewhere deep within me, long since burried, ressurfaced. A child's curiosity and longing for safety.

After a moment of yearning I called Reanon and Faith over.

"That willow, is our haven," I said looking at the moon for reassurance. Rather my sister's spirit that illuminated so in the moonlight.

Knock thrice on the bark. Do not be afraid, the gentle willow fairies will be kind.

I nod,"thanks sister," tears well up in my eyes," I wish I could remember you..."

One day perhaps you will

All four of us set out to the willow tree. As night fell the creatures of the forest sung. A melody so sweet. A tune of crickets and owls hooting. Many other creatures also. We found ourselves singing along. We approached the willow and I knocked thrice. The barks faded away in the shape of a small door. A single creature came out, she wore a green dress and had tiny wings. Squeaking she tossed dust at us. We shrunk to her size.

The willow fairies accepted us happily. We stayed with them for many nights. Sung tunes and danced. Soon I longed to run, change into my wolf self. Reanon and Faith had grown closer and happier. I left them a note of goodbye and took off with Snow. We ran around our new world as wolves. Met other wolves an had a fun time. We joined a pack in a year. I longed to stay a wolf forever. Snow and the Alpha of the pack became lovers. He was the lightest shade of grey. I never did settle with anyone else. That didn't bother me, I'd see Kurio again someday, because you see he never is truly dead.


"Can you really bring him back?"

"Yesss miss," snake-man hissed," I can. Why should I help you?"

I dangled a plump mouse in front of his face. Snake man licked his lips. He focused on Kurio's perfectly preserved body. We had to change him into a wolf. My sister shared a secret with me: the soul of the wolf doesn't die with the soul of the human.

It took awhile to figure this out and carry out a plan. Snake man was the only one who I could bother with this. I couldn't bother Reanon, he was busy with his kids. The snake man mixed concoctions together. He drisseled them on Kurio's body. Light shone from him as he changed. He was covered with hair. I missed him badly, my heart thumped in my chest. He lay as a wolf unconscious for a moment. I turn myself eagerly into a wolf. His eyes flutter open. I smile happily and bark. He leaps from the table and barks back at me. I can hear his thoughts in my head.

What happened?

Its a long story

I playfully hit his shoulder with my paw. I'm so happy, I cried. Concerned Kurio looked at me closely. His eyes flashed remembering.

I was am I alive

My sister and the help of a snake-man.

The end

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