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Two days later

The wolf tournaments qualification test is tomorrow. I found out yesterday what that meant. To qualify you need to be in good health and be able to change into a wolf with ease. Two boys over fourteen and two girls over fourtee.  The nurses will take a sample of your blood and monitor your dreams.

"What you dream helps to tell us if you are capable, mentally and physically," the head nurse, Katrina, had told me yesterday.

I was mortified now, I could change with ease.  I was sixteen also, old enough to be entered. The only thing that might save me is that I am new here, in experienced. I plea that its enough. Kurio told me it should be, new students don't usually get entered unless their family taught them some at home. I was in science right now and ignoring the teacher, Mr. Blightworth, a short pudgy man who's pointed nose stuck out of his face far too out. I couldn't see him either, my seat was at the back corner, the good part, he couldn't see me either. Kurio wasn't in any of my classes except health, Snow and Faith had the same class also. They combined grades 10-11 in that class.


I left the class as fast as I could without knocking people over. Kurio was waiting for me outside by the greenhouse. I grabbed two green apples from the cafeteria and went outside. My phone buzzed in my light brown sidebag, I checked it.

Can't make it to lunch, sorry-K

I looked around the front for someone I knew. Reanon was leaning against the same tree as he did each lunchtime. I have been ignoring him since. Feeling bad about that I sat beside him.

"Hey," I said," its me."

"Hi," Reanon looked at me," you've been ignoring me."

"No I-" his eyebrow shot up,"fine yes I have been, kinda."

"We can be friends you know, if you and Kurio are official or whatever."

"I have an extra apple," I put the apple in his hand.

"Thanks," he said biting the apple," but I want an answer."

"To what question?"

"Can we be friends?" He said, an edge in his voice.

"Yeah, I mean, sure."

Reanon gave a pained grin.

"How do you get around?" I asked curious.

"Magic of sorts, I use echolocation," he sighed.

"Like a bat."

"Is it hard? I could help you to your next class," I offer.

"Sure, you can join me to Mrs.Maysin's History class," he pulled himself up.

"That's actually my next class today,why are you learning about the history of werewolf-human relations?"

"There is some stuff on sorcerors in that class too," he pulled me up and we stood silently.

"Do you need-"

"No, I'm okay, I don't need you to hold my hand," he grimaced silently.


We walked in awkward silence to Mrs.Maysin's history class. I sat closer up front this time. Reanon sat in the back, he borrowed paper and a pencil from a small kid and sat back. I turned towards Mrs.Maysin and pulled a notebook and pencil from my sidebag.

"Today class we will be learning about why this school has wolf tournaments so often," she presses her lips together," any ideas?"

I raise my hand and she calls on me," I'm not aware of much about wolves but could it be to teach a lesson for a past wrong?"

"Exactly, miss, uh-"

"Atraya," I say.

"Yes miss Atraya is exactly correct. A thousand years ago there had been a war. A war between Moon wolves, Sun Wolves and Wood wolves. They fought because of territory and food. The Sun wolves had been desecrated in numbers. To end the suffering the wolf groups called upon three powerful sorcerors to cast a spell. A spell to allow the innocent wolf spirits who had died to live as humans. Humans who could change back into wolves. This way the clans could unite and create a new kind."

I looked around.

"The ancestors of the three sorceries still attend school here today," she said.

I looked at Reanon, everyone else followed my gaze.

"Yeah," he said," Frostworth is my last name."

The class gasped.

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