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Reanon had left me an hour ago. I soon got bored of reciting my times tables so i wandered around the room. Cautiously i looked for a way out. The window was too small for me to squeeze through so I looked towards the door. A bunch of mice scrurried into a hole. Too bad i couldnt shrink.The invisible barrier was down. I jiggled the handle and pounded on the door. My brow furrowed in frustration.

"Let me out!"

I pounded on the door relentlessly. I slipped to the floor and rested up in the wooden door. It was too thick for me to ram into it. The lock was old though. An idea struck me and I raced around the room on my knees. I was looking for a long paper clip or boby pin. I dag through the boxes and found nothing. After about an hour I was ready to give up. Reanon had cleared this room of anything valuable. I had to get Snow, Faith or Kurio's attention. I sat on the couch, pulling my knees into my chest, and thought. My eyes pressed closed as I concentrated on Kurio. I imagined his floppy brown hair covering his face. His tanned skin,his big green eyes. The gash on his side. The way he looked at me, so earnestly and attentive. I felt my heart race as the picture came together and I had his image in my head. I was trying to contact him. If what happened my first school day was real he could save me. Then, however, I'd owe him. I didn't like owing people.

"Kurio?Kurio I need your help!" I thought, focusing on his image.

A quiet voice responded but I couldn't understand. I shifted on the couch, crossing my legs. Blocking out the tiny footsteps of the mice.

"Kurio?I need your help, think louder, focus please," my thought was shaky but firm.

"Atraya?Where are you?" It was Kurio, I heard his thought as if it were his own voice speaking.

"A sorceror,Reanon, he took me," I paused,"I'm trapped. He said he is going to, drain me?"

Kurio took awhile to respond as if he was digesting what I had said, actually what I had thought. This could be confusing to adapt to.

"Atraya do you know where you could be?"

"I was exhausted when he touched me. I am on a really quiet floor. The room has a bunch of boxes and mice. There is a really small window."

"I think you could be on the third floor, its generally quiet up there."

"Okay," I paused nervous," what does draining do?"

"Don't let him touch you," his voice was quick, he was in a hurry," I will be there as soon as I can."

I let his picture fade and my eyes opened. I fell back surprised. Reanon sat at the edge of the couch. I only knew it was him because nobody else could get in here. He had turned on the lights. He had straight black hair, pale skin, and Pale blue eyes. His cloak was hanging around his broad shoulders. Reanon was young! He looked my age. Every piece of him screamed teenager except his pale blue eyes. They looked older, more worn. The color was faded and reflected a clear sky. I moved my hand to pull my hair behind my ear. Reanon didn't react. I noticed he wasn't making eye contact. He stared at a point above my shoulder. I bit my tongue. Reanon was blind.

"Hi?" I said nervously

"I guess you have noticed," he sighed waving his hand,"I have always been like this."

I felt an odd ping of sympathy but said nothing.

"I know what you did, calling Kurio. Very smart of you."

I forced my tone to remain expressionless,"I did not-"

He silenced me," I know you did, I don't know what was told, but I know you did."

He shifted closer to me but didn't touch me. I looked away from him. I focused on two mice fighting over a piece of cheese. I heard footsteps pounding outside my door. Reanon gritted his teeth. I jumped from the couch screaming. Reanon pulled my arm and I fought the wave drowsiness. I collapsed against the wall by the door.


"Atraya! He pounded on the door,"I'm coming in!"

Reanom dissapeared in a cloud of smoke.

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