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Kurio was holding my hand as we walked thu the hall. I had been called down to get my blood taken. I was nervous, never had I been to the doctor's for anything more than a checkup. Kurio sensed my worry and we stopped outside the door of the nurse's. He rested his chin on my head and gave me a hug. Sparks shot through my body. Kurio gasped aloud and stepped back.

"It will be okay," he said collecting himself," they know what they're doing."

I nodded but remained still," Th-Tha-Thank you."

"I will wait out here," he squished my hand," go on."

He gently swung open the door and guided me inside.

"I had my blood test already 'tray. It didn't hurt me," he promised.

I nodded my head and walked, alone, to the small desk. A surly woman stood behind it frowning at a flashy computer. She notices me watching and grunts.

Opening a separate book she asked for my name. I give it to her an she points to a chair.

"Wait, there," she growls.

"Okay ma'am," I say to be polite.

"You know what? Make yourself useful, help me with this new computer. Teenagers know that sorta thang right?"

"Sure," I say walking over," what are you trying to do?"

Her glasses tip to the edge of her nose," I'm trying to send this file."

I help her get the file sent them she instructs me to send some more. They are bills and newsletters, nothing special. She has me do a few more then leaves to get a coffee, with her teeth she should stop drinking. While she is gone I stumble upon a file. Curious I double-click. The file is shocking, I sent it to myself then called Kurio inside.

"I need you to erase what I sent out from the computer's history,now!" Kurio sits in the chair and clicks the keyboard, wiping what I did in case someone wanted to check.

"What did you find?" He asked.

"B-u-d-d-y-2 is my password, no capitals, to my email:, check it."

"Okay," he looks at the door," I better go."

I nod and wave him off. I finish what the desk lady asked then sit far from the desk. A different lady in a thin white robe comes out. My nurse from before, Katrina. Her blond hair was pulled into a bun and her smile was gone. She didn't look me in the eye, she simy called my name. I secretly shoved my finger down my throat causing me to throw up. I couldn't go in there after what I read, I wouldn't. A tanned man in a white robe came out next. I had thrown up my lunch and it was soaking into the carpet making it look like a bigger mess than it was.

"What happened out here?" He barked at the desk lady as she returned.

"I-I" she stammered

Oh no, I forgot to close the file!

"What was she,"he said pointing at me," doing?"

"I got her to help with-with the computer," the lady said, head down.

"What!" He roared.

I watched silently as he marched towards the computer. He saw the opened file and pointed at the lady.

"Kill her!" He barked to the crowd of workers behind him.

I stood up," no she didn't see anything!"

My legs wobbled but I forced myself to look up. His balding head trickled a line of sweat down his face.

"Damn girl!" He slammed his fist on the desk," just like your sister!"

"I don't have a sister," I say

"You do, she went here years ago, clever girl. I was fond of her because of her beauty, she had your lips," he laughs.

"You lie!" I shout then spit at his shoe.

"Don't worry Atraya your sister is long dead." He snaps his fingers," make her forget everything!"

The desk lady is taken away kicking and fighting.I was brought back to my room with meds in my stomach and a needle pressed into my arm. It was impossible to think clearly. What I had learned was horrible, did I really have a sister? What happened to her? I took my notebook from my bag and wrote. I knew I'd forget so i wrote. I wrote that i had a sister, to talk to Kurio and to hurry! I put my notebook back in my sidebag and closed my eyes.The faculty here is planning to capture every student over fourteen and drain them of their special power. The power to change into a werewolf. The students would be drained until they died. The draining wasn't pretty, it involved special tools and blood. Blood. Like what they'd get after each tournament except 100 times more.


"Atraya?!" Shouted someone outside my door.

Head groggy I sat up," ye-ah?" I slurred.

"Let me in!"

"Who is it?"


I shook my head," Snow is getting fixed up by Faith, she was-was."

"Are you drunk?"

"No!" I got out of bed and opened the door," I didn't lock it you know!"

"Yeah it was locked," she was wearing jeans and a black,band tank top.

I stumbled as I let her in. Confused she stared at me. I couldn't remember what happened last night.

"What happened Atraya?"

"I forget, last thing I remember was sitting in the nurse office."

She took my head and tipped it back examining me. She held up a small mirror for me to see. I had dark circles under my eyes, my face was white, my lips pale. I fell back confused. I felt my lips, I blew onto my hand and sniffed, it was evident I had thrown up.

"I threw up," I said.

"I think you had been drugged too," Snow shook her head," what did you find that was so significant they drugged you?"

"I don't remember, ask Kurio? He walked me there."

Snow was going through my sidebag and flipping open books. She was looking for a clue. I hoped I was clever enough to have left one.

"Aha!" She said opening a notebook," you wrote here : 'by the time this is read I'd of forgotten what happened. I learned I have a sister today, she was killed. The school is planning on killing kids for their magic. Check email, I sent it there, Kurio knows. Talk to him. Hurry!'"

"Wow," I touched my head.

"Yeah," Snow said," wow."

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