Ninth Meow - Bizarre Fate

Start from the beginning

Staring blankly at Anthony, he tapped his friend's shoulder two times. "Nice try, but I got lots of girls, she isn't my lost, " he smiled revealing his pearly white teeth, he even raised his eyebrow clearly indicating he's handsome. Anthony, on the other hand, looked at him pitifully like he's some sort of bug waiting to die in the hands of a bug sprayer.

"You okay, dude? Are you not high or something? " Anthony's eyes widened, picking his phone in his pocket, he dialed a number making Saint confused.

"What are you doing?" he hovered around Anthony's phone trying to see what he had typed.

Anthony dismissed Saint's hand and showed him what he had dialled. "It's 911, you need their help. " Anthony's been thinking that the formal Saint in the writing magazines isn't even 1% of what he is in the real world. The guy's not right in the head!

Saint, on the other hand, frowned. "Shut up! You're weird either, but seriously, what will you do with those stuffed toys? " Saint reached for one of the plushies, a black cat with slanted red eyes and two pointed fangs.

Anthony laughed, "Looks like you, you can have it." Saint almost choked on what he heard, he tried to give it back to Anthony but he hushed him. "I'll give this to my housemate and his cats, I bet he'll like this, he wished to have toys for his pets yet I can't give it to him in fact he pays for his expenses, " upon saying that he's living with a guy, Saint looked at him suspiciously, grinning he elbowed Anthony's side.

"So, Issaiah boy—you're into guys...I am surprised, so tell me are you in charge or you're down under? " Saint's voice sounded like a gossip guy he's watching on the television, his brow up and down—smiling teasingly; making Anthony want to punch his face and say that he didn't mean it, it's just that his fist was in charge.

Anthony just tsked and walked his way to the basketball machine in the arcade. He got one ball from the net like a rectangle where the balls lie. Saint, on the other hand, whistles a tune as he stands by Anthony's side, hands on his pocket. "So, Issaiah boy? Is it true? You're up or down?" Glaring, Anthony got another ball and threw it to Saint who immediately caught it as he laughed.

"Shut up, Finn you chinky fish! You're too controversial for a guy. He's just my housemate and living with him gives me a huge amount of money. I am straight for fuck's sake! Plus he's a neko-obsessed otaku!" Red blotches started to appear in Anthony's face and the side of his ears, veins on his neck seemed protruding—he's angry.

Anthony threw the ball harshly into the basket earning himself a three point shot, his score reflected into the digital scoreboard in red color.

Saint's rich laughter rang into the arcade, he raised his two hands as if he's surrendering. "Bummer!" He positioned himself in a throwing stance, gripping the ball. "So who's this 'neko-obsessed otaku' and why are ya calling him that? " He shot the ball in the basket smoothly as if he's mocking Anthony's angry shooting fit.

Saint whistled when the scoreboard revealed the same score it had given to Anthony. "His name's Aegir... I-" Anthony paused as he got himself a new ball. "He's someone who's finding a home to rent, I need money so—I took him in. He's weird with the cat ears and tail props that he doesn't want to remove. " His voice sounded unsure and shaky that Saint couldn't bring himself to believe what Anthony just said.

Anthony is a bad liar, he knew it very well but he couldn't just tell his friend that he saved the guy from a bloodthirsty psychopath.

Saint's brow lifted upwards. "You're lying. " Anthony shot another three points, lips quivering (he isn't really into lying), he fished his phone out of his pocket and opened his gallery, revealing close-up selfies of Aegir with wide eyes staring at the camera.

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