Seventh Meow - Consoling

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A sing-song voice could be heard in the dead of night

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A sing-song voice could be heard in the dead of night. Slow footsteps kissed the asphalt road of the heavily silent streets of Yaki. Only the two blinking street lights gave hope amidst the blinding darkness and only the human carrying the said tune gave life to the emptiness. Humans living in the area were already slumbering on their beds as time pointed its hand at 2 am, already past midnight.

Tap. Tap. Tap. The sound of clicking added to the serene band. A man could be seen hovering his hands over his phone. He stopped singing. Fast tappings could be heard, then he stopped as he pressed a red button.

"You're dialing Idol Saint..."

"The number you have dialed is unattended. Please try again later. "

"C'mon, Saint! Answer the damn phone! I changed my mind, I still don't want to go home. I need someone to talk to. " He dialed the number again only to receive the same reply. He tsked in frustration.

Moments later he heard a vibration from his phone signifying a new message have arrived. He immediately opened it.

From: Idol Saint

Time Sent: 2:01am

Damn man! You're still awake at 2 am? What do you want? I am on a date with a hot chick.

Anthony almost rolled his eyes as he scoffed. Shutting his phone, he sighed. "Fuck girls, fuck romance! " Frowning, Anthony kicked a pebble hindering his way.

Massaging his forehead, he felt his head spinning. He thought, 'Must have been the liquor already kicking into my senses. '

It must be because of the liquor that courage kicked him, making him do things he never believed he could do.

"I don't have friends, Saint's busy so I should go home then? " A bitter smile formed in his lips as he walked groggily.

He lopsidedly smiled as he finger-combed his messy black turf. "Guess, I should buy six bottles of soju then! Yey! Let's get drunk! " Anthony tried to be jolly but he knew it's all fake.

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