Chapter 7

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After the whole events happening at the fair, And the sweet moment when they got back at base, Megatron felt content. They went to his private quarters and he gently sat Lilly on the berth. Quickly dressing her In comfortable baggy Pj's.

He sat on the berth and let his form rest against the wall, he needed to be in his holoform, the need to feel Lillian was on his mind, trying to keep him calm.

He got into his holoform quickly, Noticing the happy purr coming from the girl before sitting down and pulling her against his chest, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his head atop hers.

His little Lillian was safe from the blasted autobots. That darned young scout almost figured it out, they could have taken her again. But he was relieved she was here with him.

Little did megatron know, he wasnt very good at hiding his emotions.

I perked up at the feeling of Megatrons fists tightening on my thigh. His jaw clenched on my head. I bumped my head up and turned so I could see his face, He didnt look to happy.

He looked down at me, his expression softened and he raised his clenched hand to stroke my jaw with those calloused fingers. I purred and leaned into the touch staring at him with hooded eyes.

"A-are you alright?..." I whispered and he gave a blank look. I feared I may have done something as the silence continued on for a bit longer before a small smile played upon his face.

"I am fine, Pet...Just Fine." He said lowly. A tone laced his voice that I couldnt pick up on, before it slipped my mind and I gave a huge grin. I wrapped both of my small hands around his bicep and fell backwards, pulling him to fall ontop of me.

He gave a startled gasp and I gave a squeak from the impact of his body hitting mine. He stayed ontop of me for a moment, Trying to catch up to what just happened.

To anyone else who might walk in, they would think there interupting something. Lillian was layed on her back with a flushed red face squirming to get out from underneath his weight. Her hands splayed innocently on his shoulders pushing weakly, while he still lay on top with a foreign look across his features. His two arms were layed on both sides of Lillians head, his hands clenched. His one leg happened to be inbetween hers, hence the blush and the other was to the right.

He came back to realization and quickly got off and on to the side of her. His cheeks dusting in a very faint pink at what he just noticed happen. Lillian giggled a bit before turning on her side and rolling to bump  into his front. Face to face as they stared into eachothers eyes.

"I dont believe you."


Megatron spluttered at the sudden statement, boldly coming from his pet. He narrowed his eyes in confusion, his face gaurded.

"Y-you looked angry...I w-wanted to know why, sir!" I squeaked out weakly Cuddling my face into his chest. I felt his large hand come up to rest on the back of my head and pet my twitching ears. I shifted forward and arched my back leaning into his touch.

"I was worried, Pet. When I saw the autobots scout and Youngling near you...I just...Thought of before." He mumbled into my hair, his nose brushing against my ears. I frowned a bit at that statement before looking up into his eyes.

"Im Still s-sorry about what happened..." I whispered looking down again at my arm thrown over his midsection. "I w-was curious...I didnt m-mean to upset you.. I would never...I L-love you Megatron." I whispered pathetically, tears threatening to spill.

Megatron reached a hand down and cupped it under my chin. He brought my face up to stared into his eyes and before I knew it his lips were on mine.

I went rigid in shock before gasping into the kiss. But just as quick as it happened it stopped. He pulled away. I looked up into his eyes with hooded ones, my face a bright red.

"M-Megatron?..." I was a bit breathless.

He looked down with wide eyes and before I knew it his holoform dissappeared. I looked up startled as his true form started to move and come to life. I jumped up quickly as he stood up and looked down at me with gaurded optics, turning around and quickly heading to the door.

"M-Megatron! W-wait where a-are you going?!" I whimpered running to the edge of the berth, wincing at the jabbing ache in my abdomen.  I got to the other end just as he passed and walked out the door.

"N-not now Lillian." He growled and then the door slid shut behind with a hiss.

I let my arms fall to my sides in defeat staring at the door with a shocked look. My face was flushed with sadness as my mouth was agape and tears filled my eyes and spilled down my cheeks.

He left.

"Im S-sorry..." I whimpered and layed down against the wall, my tail curling around my legs. My ears folded back against my head, I closed my eyes and let myself stare at the other blank wall until sleep over took me.

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