Chapter 11

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I gulped in shock as I stared at the pointy end of his nullray, slightly shaking.

Megatron caught on, he narrowed his eyes, letting out an annoyed huff while looking up towards the ceiling.

"What is it starscream?..."He growled. I looked down at megatron shocked. I mean megatrons no wuss when it comes to fighting but he isnt in gold medal shape right now to do anything either? I frowned and looked up just in time to see Lugnut run in and Over top of the magenta seeker.

Megatron snapped his red optics open when he heard the squeaky, oily, sqawk he knows so very well coming from the shocked seeker. I looked over from the corner of my eye and saw megatron smirk a tiny bit up at nothing before it went away. Did he plan that?

I shrugged my shoulders deciding that it was normal lugnut behavior, taking cautious cover behind megatrons audio receptor as Lugnut scrambled over and fell to his knees beside the medical berth. He bowed over and over, crying out his happiness to megatron with praise. I put my tiny hands on the edge of his helmet and slowly rose up to my feet, I saw megatrons optics staring at me, he gave me a gentle smile. I smiled back but it fell when I saw movement from the side of my vision.

Starscream was up on his feet. Pointing a null ray!

"Oh quit it with a formalities, Lugnut! He doesnt deserve the title of Decepticon Leader! I do!" Starscream bellowed and shot the nullray. But shockwave and lugnut both jumped from different angles in time so the force of the impact didnt hit megatron straight on. I cried out when the medical berth all of a sudden flew upwards when the two bots bodies hit it.

Megatron grabbed me in his hand and covered me by balling it in a fist when he hit the wall full on, leaving a mech dent the size of him in it. He fell to the ground along with Lugnut and Shockwave and they all groaned in pain. I uncurled myself from insides Megatrons giant fist when I felt it open. I looked over to see Megatrons optics were closed as he layed back splayed out on the floor, small groans of pain leaving him. I stood up to go to him when a hand snatched me up out of his.

I went silent before I screamed. "P-put me down! p-put me down!" I thrashed in starscreams hold and Looked down to see megatrons eyes snap open, glaring up at starscream. How did I miss Starfreaks foot steps? I tried biting his hand but I just heard him laugh and turned to walk away. Does he never stop?

"You disgust me! I dont see how one so weak and fragile could interest the Great Megatron himself!" He sneered lowly as he made dilberate footsteps over to the door, each one a loud clanking in my head. I turned my head and hid a shocked grin when I saw Megatron standing behind starscream with a pissed off expression. I tuned Starscreams blabbering out as he continued his journey near the door. And just as he made about a foot out the door he froze when he heard a slight hum, meaning a weapon was starting up.

"Put. Her. Down." He growled. I didnt know starscreams eyes could get that big. I smirked and he let his eyes drift to me, narrowing but the bump of a canon against the back of his head got him thinking otherwise.

I felt the air get tense as Shockwave and Lugnut got up quietly and slowly, staring at the scene. I saw Megatrons dark, giant hand slowly come into view from behind the seekers back, palm up and held under me. I saw a look pass starscreams face, anxiousness and something else I couldnt put my finger on, it was a look familiar to the one Megatron gave me. Starscream grumbled and dropped me in his hand, I made contact with a gentle "thump"and Megatron put his canon down, only to grab starscream around the neck and shove him into the wall.

I couldnt believe my eyes, was Starscream blushing?!

He was shoved harder up and against the wall, clawing at Megatrons hand, not looking him in the optic as his cheeks heated to a small ting of pink. My eyes widen from my spot in Megatrons free hand as he got close to the seekers face. Either Megatron saw and didnt pay any mind to it or he was ignorant to the fact his second in command was blushing like a schoolgirl.

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