Chapter 3

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~2 years later~
After many ups and downs with the leader of the decepticons, I was soon able to be free to run around the base by myself! Yes, of course, many strict rules were set for me and the other cons that occupied this base. All the cons have met me, some despised the fact that Megatron would stoop so low as to keep a human in their base, which was met with a threat by said con, and other bots just didn't care.

Back to present time I was just currently running down a hall, my tail swishing back and forth, as I hid from a certain Decepticon. A small grin was on my lips, showing off my fangs as I looked back and forth. I started panting as running took a tole on me quite quickly. I loved the feeling of adrenaline rushing through my veins as I ran, the wind brushing across my sensitive ears in a delightful way. I paused in my running to fall on my knees to floor and let my tongue hang out my mouth as I tried to catch a breath. These hallways were longer then you thought if you were just a puny human running through them, hehe.

Little did Lillian know a certain bot was standing right behind her with narrow eyes. A big shadow soon engulfed her in the darkness as Megatron stepped closer and evil grin forming into his handsome features. He reached a hand down to the swishing tail and the-

Lillian squealed and jumped literally jumped 10 feet into the air. She turned and glared up at the bot who touched her before giving a sheepish smile from recognition to whom it was.

"U-uh H-hey!" I squeaked grabbing my tail and holding it close to my chest. The warlord raised an eyebrow at this before placing a giant hand on the ground, palm up, and I dropped my tail grinning as I quickly ran onto his hand with a giggle. He raised his hand up to his shoulder and I jumped on with a smile, as I saw him smile in return.

"Your shaking. Whats Wrong?" He asked stiffly continuing on his way down the hall. A thought ran through my head to ask what was wrong with him but I pushed it aside and just patted his shoulder. "Nothings the matter big guy, just a b-bit chilly i-is all!" I said. He just gave a small sound of recognition and turned his head back down to the length of the hallway.
~time skip~
The walk was silent as I didn't know what to say. We ended up stopping at Megatrons personal quarters and he placed me on his cushioned berth. I bounced around a bit on it has he left to take a shower. I noticed a lot of scratch marks on him, some dents and some paint even missing in certain spots. I was worried but my scared counter part of the mind was telling me to just keep quiet. When the warlord walked back after an hour, he sat in his desk chair. He turned it to face me.

"I can no longer...easily go out to get the required materials you need, Pet." He simply said with an expressionless face. The wheels in my mind seemed to turn all the more faster as I panicked, Is he going to get rid of me? Kill me? Leave me behind?!

He clearly saw the panic and seemed to know what I was thinking because he reached a hand out towards me, picking me up off the berth and cuddling me against his chest. "I am not giving you up, I am merely saying...We need another way of retrieving your required items." He said slowly, soothingly petting my back.

I calmed down a bit after several minutes of the gentle rubbing, cuddling into his chest, before an idea popped into my head. "I can go and do it!" I squeaked out. I felt his hesitation before I saw it clear as day written over his face. I let my hands gently pat at his chest in eagerness to persuade him to let me go do this, my ears perking up and my tail curving up and bending. "Oh please! I haven't been o-outside in 2 years! P-please, please, PLEASE! Let me d-do this!" I begged with big eyes.

Those ruby eyes stared at me with intense harshness before softening, his expression looking like the worst possible hang dog imitation there is. "I...just don't see you get hurt." I let myself have the opportunity of smiling, I shivered, not because I was cold anymore but because I felt warmth spread throughout my body, mixing with cold that took it over, the fact that someone cared about me was just enough to set my heart soaring and bring me to see the world in a whole new perspective.

"Megatron...I-I promise I wont let a-anyone get to c-close and hurt m-me." I whispered, my smile growing bigger as I saw a slight smile appear on his face as well. "Your not going to give up easy on this are you, my darling pet?" He sighed, standing up. My eyes grew wider and my tail swished happily "Nope!".

He walked out of the throne room with his usual frown on his face and continued to walk down that hallway. I patiently waited for his answer, I was eager to know what it looked like again outside, and I wasn't going to let my impotent tongue ruin this for me!

We made it near the outside of the cave and I clasped my hands around his thumb and squeezed it in happiness, my knuckles going as white as my hair. "I will fly you out into the forrest closest to a shopping center within walking distance. I will wait in the forrest to hide and wait your return. Do not take longer then necessary pleas?" He added as we walked outside. I stared up at him "I can go?" I asked hopefully.

He looked down at me with a stern expression. "Yes but do not ruin and please...stay safe." He expressed the last bit with so much care I felt my cheeks heat up before the cold air drew a breeze, causing my dress to flutter forward. I finally paused and looked around with wide eyes. Outside looked... amazing. I saw it in a new light, the golden sun just setting in the colorful blueish-orange sky behind the many dark green trees. The few birds flying and the water in the far blue distance. I felt my face start to hurt as my smile grew so big it stretched across my face almost splitting it in half.

I used to always see the outside as a dark, cruel place. But now it looked like a beautiful painted picture, anything that you can make out of something, you know?

Little did I realize the warlord holding me was staring at the back of my head with longing sad eyes. A frown seeming to only stay permanently glued on his face all the time. The once bright red ruby eyes seemed to fade into a pale pinkish color almost.

I let my tail swish around before grabbing and hugging Megatrons thumb as I squealed in happiness. "Oh thank you!". Megatron sighed before smiling "You are welcome..."

I looked up at the sky again, my eyes bright and full of great joy. "Its so beautiful! D-don't you think?" I whispered. "Yes...It is beautiful" but Megatron was not staring at the sky while saying this...

Megatrons Pet.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن