Chapter 13

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We made it to Megatrons quarters when he suggested he wanted to go somewhere private and I gulped and just nodded along. He changed back into his real form and picked me up and when we got there he turned into his holoform and was all over me again on the berth.

He had my hands pinned to the berth and kissing me, I whimpered and he bit my lip chuckling into my mouth and trailing my hands down my arms. Although I was turned on a bit, I was also a bit afraid, I mean we just got together where was he going with this?

"You think to much..." He whispered in my ear and nibbled on the lobe, I moaned lowly and I could feel him smirk into my skin. I nodded absent mindly and he froze pulling back and sitting up a bit, looking at my face with concern.

"Pet?" He asked released my arms to grab my face and turn to stare at him instead. Im pretty sure it was brighter then it ever has been before and I screwed my eyes shut and he huffed.

"Lillian. Whats wrong?" He asked and I could feel him get irratated, I cracked. I snapped my eyes open and icy blue met steely grey, I shoved his hands off my face and pushed his chest gently to get him off and I sat up a bit, my jaw tightened as I watched him sit up shocked.

"Nothings wrong." I whispered curtly and my ears glued back to my head, expressing my sudden anger. He stared for a moment before his jaw set and his eyes went back to that cold and emotionless stare we all knew so well. "Where is this coming from?" He whispered and stood.

I flicked my tail back in fourth in thought as I studied his movements from my place still kneeling on the floor. "What were you d-doing?" I hissed out and stared into his crimson orbs.

"...Showing my affection for you. Did you know what were doing?" He ask in a tone that implied I was possibly slow. I growled and stood up walking over to him and poking a finger into his hard chest, staring up at his face and stood on my tippy toes until our faces were centimeters apart.

"Are you trying to say im stupid?" I bit out.

"No! What are you saying, Lillian?" He growled and moved backwards.

"S-sounded like you were implying im stupid!" I growled and moved away when he stood there in shock. I crossed my arms and walked backwards scoffing. "Y-your going to fast for me is all..." I whispered looking down.


"No, Im not dumb I know what you were trying to do. Im just not ready! W-we known eachother for a long time but Im practically ...Inexperienced..." I whispered and felt tears build up in my eyes. I shook my head and grumbled, using the back of my hand to wipe the traitorus tears that fell away.

He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, he rested his head into my neck and sighed, hot breath blowing against my skin, I shivered.

"pet...No. I wont do anything you dont want me to. Understand? I will not force you to do that." He growled slightly and I smiled, leaning back into his embrace and he smiled into my neck. I turned my head around he kissed my cheek.

"...Im sorry." I whispered and he shook his head, hands rubbing my sides gently. He let go and pulled back, shaking his head he crossed his arms and stared at me in thought then sat on the ledge of the berth, patting the space besides him.

I stayed still for a moment and then walked over sitting down next to him quietly. He looked to be in thought as he stared at nothing then looked over at me. The sides of his mouth were slightly lifted and his crimson eyes were slightly pinker.

I tilted my head and he chuckled, hand coming up to rest on the back of his neck.

"You know...A few years ago I despised the thought of humans. So puny and weak and useless. Battling with the autobots...Who were here for the allspark...Then made friends with this race, the humans even helped with their side of the war, and I felt different. Then I saw you and I suppose, what you humans say, 'had a change of heart'..." He whispered out, his voice rough and tired. I leaned over and rested my head on his shoulder.

"A few years ago...I would have died. I had nobody to care after me. I w-was a science experiment, nothing important...My parents didnt want me and I r-ran away...Then I got out and y-you found me like this." I whispered, some tears forming in my eyes but I rubbed them away roughly.

"You know...Lillian I never would have thought I would mate with a human female...Never." He whispered back, pecking my forehead with a sweet kiss. I smiled and then chuckled.

"I never thought I would be turned into a half cat and date a robot..."

He let out a booming laugh and I snickered at him. After the laughing he breathed slightly and turned to look at me, I felt startled.

Did his eyes just fade from blue to red?

I slightly shook my hear to dislodge the silly thought, dont get worked up because of a silly imagination.

"I changed. Over the past years.. If I was my old self, in my old crazed state, you wouldnt have been here right now. Lillian Grants." He smirked and brought me closer purring.

My tail flickered up, feeling somewhat threatened but then I calmed. He wont hurt me. He would never.


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