Chapter 17

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I told Megatron what happened. What Starscream said he would do, what he did to me, and saying Megatron was mad was an understatement. He was pissed.

He took me to the Medbay, to see if I was harmed and then straight back to his quarters. He put me on the floor told me to 'stay' then left. I was pretty peeved about that, he said he wouldnt leave me alone. I grumbled and walked over to clothes chest and picked out a black sweater an grey leggings.

I tiredly took off my shirt and pants and stood in the cold for a few minutes, I didnt hear the door open behind me or see unwanted red eyes watching as I got dressed.

After I put on the articles of clothes I turned to pick up my dirty ones but screamed and backed up into the chest.

"You would think, Megatron would make his rooms harder to find." Starscream bit out with a grin. I felt tears well in my eyes and hoped to whatever god that Megatron would show up quickly and right now. "Y-you died! He k-killed you!" I choked out and he stepped closer, slamming his clawed hands down on the desk, leaning his giant metal face right up against mine.

"You seem scared pet. Did you miss me." He growled and I really wanted to have the floor eat me up. I threw the clothes in his face and took a chance run towards the edge of the desk to go down the makeshift stairs when a clawed finger hang wired me. I feel on my back and screwed my eyes shut, rubbing at my somewhat sore throat. Atleast I tried.

"Listen here, fleshbag! Im going to give you 2 choices. You leave this base now and I wont kill you. I'll even forget you existed. Or you can stay...And I can make you my personal plaything. But Megatron would never know...Or I would Kill you." He ran the tip of his claw down my cheek, the cold metal causing me to shiver, and then it was gone. A hand roughly yanked me up and into his face, inches from his sneering face.

"How?" I whimpered and the angered look faltered, replaced by puzzlement. He stared at me, scanning over my face.

"What? How what?" He growled. Gosh for being claimed clever he seemed just denser.

"How would I leave?" I bit out. Im sorry Megatron...

Starscream grinned evily and leaned in closer, telling me what to do, and how everything would happen.

Im so sorry.

~time skip~

I stood several feet away from outside the thrown room doors, starscream had came up with the bright idea of having me end it with Megatron.

My heart broke even more and I cried myself, starscream rubbing his fake human hands up and down my back in false comfort, grinning all the while.

I took in a deep breath and walked near the automatic doors, they hissed open, I would never forget that sound. I was greeted with the sight of a fustrated, pacing Megatron and a slightly nervous Shockwave.

"My leige! Would you ju-"

"Calm down!? How would you expect me to be Calm!?" Megatron barked and walked right up to Shockwave, staring him down but he didnt even flinch. Instead he took a small step back and stared up, his own intense gaze matching that of his leaders.

"Sorry for speaking out of turn but you will not get anywhere stressing about. If you would want to help your mate you need to be sane!" His smooth voice seemed to get through to Megatron and his shoulders relaxed.

I let a small whimper escape me when he said 'mate'. It broke my heart even more to think of how bad I would be betraying him...

The small sound caught shockwaves attention and his one optic gaze caught my mine quickly. Megatron looked behind himself and saw me, his face turned panic but then hardened again in anger.

"Lillian! I told you to stay in the room." He growled. But there sounded to be no real anger in his tone...Instead it was laced with tiredness.

"I-I...felt lonely." I whispered innocently and his face fell. A neutral expression crossed over his face abd walked near me, reaching down to pick me up but I stepped back shaking my head slowly. I needed to get this over with.

"M-megatron...I need to talk w-with you..." I whispered and looked down. He paused slightly and looked over to Shockwave who was already making an exit. He left through the doors and they closed. I suddenly felt eyes on the back of my neck and they werent Megatrons.

"What is it, Lillian?" He asked gently and he walked away from me abit and started pacing once again.

My heart clenched painfully as I tried to spit out the words I would regret. He kept pacing and started mumbling things. I could tell starscreams little game of 'hide n' seek' was driving him insane.

"You wouldnt be here right now if I wasnt how I am today."

Those words echoed through my mind and I took a cautious step back, He said he was the leader of the decepticons. His hatred for humans were strong, he killed even but he only seemed more brutal towards the autobots. Why did he take an interest in me?

"You were special Lillian."

Those words caused tears to slowly travel down my cheeks and I choked back a sob. I was gonna ruin the best thing that happened to me because I couldnt handle a little threat. As if these didnt happen to me before.

"I love you Lillian."

"Lillian. Whats w-"

"Im leaving you Megatron."

The air in the room seemed to get tense as he stared down at me. His red optics wide in shock, his mouth gaping open. I this point I think my lungs stopped working properly.

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