Chapter 5

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I woke the next morning feeling weighed down. I looked over and stared blankly at the strange man who had an arm wrapped around my waist and sleeping quietly beside me. I then remembered everything that happened yesterday and whimpered as a bit of pain shot up my body when I tried to sit up. Unfortunately for me just that small noise already woke Megatron up. He narrowed his eyes, scanning the room then looking at me. I was holding my abdomen in pain then I tried to move away. Sitting up and gently pulling me up to sit between his legs and rest against his chest, Megatron nuzzled into the top of my head. I purred all of a sudden and my ears went down in affection, my tail wrapping around his thigh.

"Are you alright, dear?" He purred in my ear, his velvety voice laced with the thickness of sleep from just waking up. I pulled his jacket further up on me and clutched at it, his hands going under and resting on my sides, gently petting me. I gasped and my face flushed a dark red as I let a loud purr leave me.

"Yes, Megatron...I'm Fine.." I whispered as I felt him rest his chin against my silvery white hair. He blew gently against my ear and it twitched as I all of a sudden felt my claws come out and swipe at him. I gulped as I realized what I did and his hand flashed out and grabbed my wrist as he glared right down at me. I shrunk into his chest with a sheepish smile as a frown grew on his face.

"Were you attempting to strike me?" He said lowly, his voice hidden of emotion. I gulped and frantically shook my head no, I would never!

"M-megatron I w-would never! It was an a-accident." I gasped as tried to claw myself away from his arms. He wrapped his arms tighter around my body, being aware of keeping pressure off my abdomen, He rubbed his face into my neck and kissed it. I stopped moving in shock as my ears went upright and my body heated up. "It w-was a ca-cat instinct, s-sir!" I gasped in my squeaky voice. He chuckled against the back of my neck and I felt shivers run down my spine. I started struggling to get away from him as I felt emotions I never felt before bubble inside and make me feel weird. I pinched his arms just hard enough for him to let me go and suddenly I scrambled far enough enough on the birth to put distance between us and I sat staring at him, crossing my arms over my chest and looking at the ground with flushed cheeks.

"Lillian?" He asked softly after standing up, but he wisely kept his distance from me. I looked up and back down again before shifting and lowering my ears, I let a small whimper leave my mouth. As soon as Megatron heard that he quickly walked over, kneeling in front of me and petting my head in between my ears.

"Lillian. I did not mean to hurt you in anyway, or overstep your boundaries." He whispered. I purred softly then slowly lifted my arms and wrapped them around his middle before cuddling my face into his chest. I felt those weird feelings bubble up inside my chest making me uncomfortable, I suddenly looked up and bumped my head against his chin. "What are those feelings?"

I asked with a low purr. I felt Megatron give a deeper purr in return before furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. "What do you mean?"

I huffed against his chest and pulled back, The feelings were still there. "I dont know h-how to e-explain but theres like weirdness inside m-me." I whispered into his stomach. He knelt down again with a serious expression on his face. "Human emotions...Is something...Wrong?" He asked, voice laced with concern. I stared at his face for a minute with a blank expression before letting an awkward laugh leave out my mouth. He stared at me like I grown two heads before he shook his head standing, grabbing my waist gently and pulling me up, I blushed at the action before realizing it was to help with the pain in my abdomen.

He stared down at me as I placed my hands on his forearms trying to find balance, before looking back up into his crimson eyes. I blinked and let a hand slowly drift up and brush throw his blackish hair, his eyes following my hand on its journey up to his head. I giggled a bit as I tugged gently on a handful of it and he moved that way, losing his balance for a second before glaring at me. I giggled a bit before suddenly stepping forward, catching the Decepticon leader off guard, and wrapping my hands around his neck pulling him down into a hug. He stiffened up a bit before slowly wrapping his arms around my waist, I nuzzled my face into his neck and he chuckled lowly.

"I missed you." I whispered into his neck, my tail swishing around. He caught my tail gently in his hand, I stiffened before another hand rubbed my back calmly. I let my tail curl a bit around his hand, he made a noise of curiousness before letting go and pulling back.

"I have duties Lillian." He said with a firm tone and something else that I couldn't pick out. He turned away and his holoform slowly disappeared, I gasped before looking up and seeing his robot form slowly sit up, hydraulics hissing as he stretched, his joints not being used in a long time. I saw his optics open slowly as he moved and then his head turned back towards me, I gasped moving back in fear for a second, forgetting that the guy was also the robot. But then something clicked in my head as I moved forward.

"Megatron?" I asked slowly. He looked back down at me in confusion, slowly standing up and stretching his arms out, then turning around he looked down at me as I waited patiently for his attention. "Yes, Lillian?" He asked calmly.

"If you have a holoform don't the autobots have one to?"

That made Megatron pause and glare down at me in thought. "They do. If they are smart enough to know they have them." He chuckled then turned. When I saw Megatron walk out the door to his quarters leaving me behind I pouted, realizing he obviously wanted me to stay where I was on the berth. Well I had no way of getting down without possibly injuring myself more, as it already hurt to move, so I simply just plopped down and slept.
Soon Megatron came back to the room. I was awake bored as ever, he walked over and rested a hand on the berth near me. I looked up curiously but he just scooted his hand closer. I purred with a smile and eagerly stepped on to his hand, in return I heard his flight engines purr back and I was brought up to snuggle into his chest, feeling the beating of his spark behind the amour. As we walked down the hallway I pawed at him before staring at the walls as we went by.

"Megatron, w-where are we g-going?" I asked after moments of silence, he looked down at me for a second before smirking to himself. "The Medbay."

I whimpered right as the doors opened. I hated Megatron now...With all my heart, I grumbled and crossed my arms over my chest, ears flicking in irritation.

Hey sorry guys this wasn't as long. Im losing my touch Dx oh no...But lol im continue little drabbles of this story for my other fic, so hopefully that will entertain you. I might not update this for awhile but hopefully soon as this month is my busiest! But love yall Toodles! :)

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