No Going Back (D)

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It was late and everyone had gone to bed

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It was late and everyone had gone to bed...expect me.

I was lounging around in the common room, still dressed in my gown. I was curled into a ball before the fireplace, my hands held over the flames to warm me.

I was finally alone which meant I could finally allow myself to feel. To feel the pain of seeing Cedric with Cho. What a horrible Christmas present it had been.

I hugged my knees and inched even closer to the fire, shuddering. The Slytherin common room was always cold. Cold and moist, as it laid underwater.

I hummed a melody to myself as I watched the flames crackle, too ingulged in self pity to notice anything.

I almost screamed when suddenly something touched my shoulders.

"Merlin, relax," Draco Malfoy said before letting the jacket of his suit fall onto my shoulders without any care.

"Draco? Are you just now coming back?" I asked as I furrowed my brows. Then I looked around the room to search for Pansy but I couldn't find her.

Draco sat down by the other side of the fireplace, leaning against the wall and staring at me.

"I hid from Pansy," was all he said.

"Until now? It's past midnight, she must've gone to bed hours ago!"

Draco rolled his eyes at me,

"Can't you just thank me for once and let it be?" He hissed. I blushed as my hands curled around his jacket.

"I wasn't cold," I mumbled under my breath as I snuggled into it. It smelled of Draco's cologne and I couldn't find myself to mind it. It was comforting somehow.

That thought made me still.

Comforting... what? Why did I think of Draco Malfoy as comforting?

My eyes shifted to his face. His head was leaning against the wall, messing up his perfectly gelled hair just a bit. His eyes were closed and he looked tired. I welcomed that fact, it meant I could watch him without being seen.

Draco Malfoy had always seemed mean to me. He had a mean face. His features were sharp and his eyebrows were usually knitted together, his nose scrunched up in disgust. Never did he look nice or like he wanted to be wherever he was.

Right now I saw him in a different light. A softer one. His features were still sharp but more in a way that made him look as if he had been craved out of marble instead of ice. His clothing didn't look stiff and tight, probably from all the dancing.

He looked approachable...maybe even handsome...

As I caught myself thinking that I was suddenly extremely aware of the jacket around my shoulders, as if it were made out of cement.

My cheeks flared up for reasons I couldn't control and I cleared my throat. Draco cracked one eye open at me and said nothing for a while before finally speaking up,

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