Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Diana does have the right to brag about this house. No, not a house or a mansion but a palace. A palace with stone walls as high as you can see. It is beyond amazing making me feel like Italian Royalty. "This is beautiful." I mutter out as we all head for the front door. Maids and butlers lined up on each side ready to take our bags and jackets, some even hold drinks and food in their hands. "Welcome," an older woman greets through her think Italian accent. "You like?" Diana asks putting her hands lightly on my shoulders. "I love," I reply looking around.

"If you love this place than you'll love our place more," Lucille brags about her place down the road. The two women laugh dismissing the maids and butlers so that way they can get back to work."Come Catalina, we shall show you where we do business." Giovanni leads me down a dark hallway into a dark Victorian era like room. With painting, a big marble fireplace with a roaring fire, plush black leather couches and chairs against the walls with my grandfather's dark red stain desk in the middle of the room topped with important files. The room windows are only close to ceiling as if to keep people from knowing what is happening in here. "You like?"

Frank shuts and locks the door once all of us are in the room. Lucas, Frank and Anthony all make each other at home. From casually laying on the chairs to pouring whiskey to even Anthony taking off his tux jacket and rolling up his shelves ready for work. "This place is beautiful." I walk around admiring the pieces of art that hung closely to the wall. "Who painted this?" I ask pointing at the painting. It is of this house but in the winter with beautiful autumn colors with just a little snow.

"That would be your grandmother's great great grandmother's father." Giovanni sighs out, "he was an excellent painter." Giovanni sits behind his desk shuffling through papers and documents organizing the work that he has missed from coming to America. "What work do you have today?"

"Well for starters a man who owes me money isn't paying up, A couple of our men are rats who need to be taken care of, and lastly the people after you."

"May I help?" I ask picking up a file folder to help him clear his desk.

"If you want to show me a trick than take the rats. Lucas and his men can teach you how we take care of rats in our business." Giovanni says practically issuing orders to Lucas. I tell my father and grandfather and Frank good bye before leaving with Lucas. "Before we go, I want to change and shower."

"Okay." Lucas replies going to a different room while I find my way to the parlor where Lucille and Diana sit with tea and plans. "Oh, Catalina, you almost gave me a heart attack." Diana laughs putting her hand over her heart.

"I'm sorry," I quickly apoligize, "I'm just trying to find my room. I have to get ready."

"Ready for what my dear child?"

"Grandfather wants me to take care of some business with Lucas something about rats." I inform the two women. They both excitedly turn giddy, as if they are about to burst. "We are coming too."

"Now, now. This is our specialty." Lucille reassures me as they pull me upstairs to what they say is the guest room. The creme colored room is fit for a princess with a four post bed and canopy to the white desks and furniture. The walk in closet with a connected en suite. "You get ready," Lucille orders, "If you need anything just yell."

I don't have time to really look around. Instead I quickly shower and change throwing on the first pair of clothes I have in my suitcase. A black t-shirt crop top and some cut off with my black converse; lightly applying some concealer to my face as well as eyeliner and mascara; these people are associates in this world of business so if they are to rat at least make me look good here. My hair just tossed around already forming some wet looking waves. "Ready, dear?" Diana asks out of no where, making me trip over my step. I land on my butt going down a couple stairs before stopping myself. "All good." I reply Diana and Lucille are both in their casual look, like me, but have their hair down up and out of the way. Lucas, even, without a complete tux just his white shirt and black slaked. "Don't want to dress down?" I ask as he open the car down for me.

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