Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"Lucas, what did you do this time?" I watch an elderly woman run to our car. Lucas successfully gets out still holding his hand over his wound. Blood just seems to pour out of him as his features begin to pale. "I got hit," he simply says.

"Take him the plane immediately," the woman orders the guards. "And escort this miss back to where she belongs."

"Madam we can not do that. By orders of the Boss and Master Mortelli." One of the stiff guards words come out broken. "Tell me your name," the woman commands.

"Catalina Joy Valentino, my father is Anthony Valastro. My grandfather told me to come here with Lucas."

"Who is your grandfather?" The woman asks as if trying to fit the pieces of my life puzzle together. "Giovanni. Giovanni Caro," I mutter out.

"Your mother is Isabelle?"

"Y-yes. You knew my mother?"

"I am Diana Caro, your grandmother." The woman introduces. Her hard features seem to melt at the words of her being my grandmother. Staring at her, I see the resemblance between us. The same facial structure, the dark hair, and the same smile. "Come, we must take care of Lucas," Diana grabs my hand forcing me to follow her up the stairs into the plane. "Bring me my medical bag," Diana orders on of the guards.

Within minutes Diana is working on Lucas' shoulder. "Grab me the alcohol, dear," she orders me looking towards the mini bar. I grab the vodka, handing it to her. "Pour some in his mouth then pour it on the wound," she orders. Quickly I pour it into Lucas's mouth then on the wound making him cry out in pain.

I move out of Diana's way and sit across from her. Lucas's states off past me, grinding his teeth and hissing in pain. I grab his hand, as I myself cry out in pain. He squeezes my hand like their is no tomorrow, but I muster up the strength to take it. "Looks like we have an old fashioned hospital going on here," an unfamiliar voice rings out from the door.

"Che cosa ci fai qui, Ricardo? (What are you doing here, Ricardo?)" Lucas hisses out from the table. "Che cosa? Sto non mi ha permesso di trascorrere del tempo di qualità con il mio migliore amico? Oh, avete Catalina Valentino con voi. Dovrei ucciderla ora, e raccogliere il bounty. (What? Am I not allowed to spend some quality time with my best friend? Oh, you have Catalina Valentino with you. I should kill her now, and collect the bounty.)" The man named Ricardo seems to quickly fire back his Italian words. Why are they talking about me?

"Over my dead body!" Lucas screams out as Diana cuts into his skin to retrieve the bullet. "My friend, you already look dead to me. Might as well go ahead and kill yourself if you are to be with this girl."

"Who are you?" I quietly ask the man throw clinched teeth. "I am Ricardo Mortelli."

"You are related to Lucas and Frank, then?"

"You could say that." After that statement I keep my questions to myself and focus on the person on the table and person doing the procedure. "Catalina, hand me that bag." Diana orders holding the bullet between wavy seems like big tweezers. I open the little bag and let the bullet drop into it before closing it up. "I'm going to stitch you up, Lucas and give you a sleeping aid." Diana says getting out her supplies, "I'm also giving you one, Catalina. You have had a traumatic day."

"I'll pour you both a shot." Ricardo chuckles pouring the vodka in to his mouth. "You shouldn't take medicine with alcohol." I warn remembering all those warning on a medicine bottle.

"Here you go, honey," Diana hands me a small cream colored pill and a little cup of water. "And for you." We both take the pill, and instantly I feel the effect of being tired. "Is there a bed?" I ask feeling my eye lids close ever so slightly. "Ricardo help them," Diana orders.

"Do you that you are hot?" I playfully slap Ricardo's chest feeling his muscles. "I have been told."

"Lucas! How did you get here first?" I laughingly ask the sleeping body on the bed. "Hmph," I hear him grunt. "I'm tired. Move over!" I tell him pushing to the other side of the bed. "Good night, Ricardo and grandma," I tell the two people who seem to be laughing at me.

"Good night, Deary," I hear Diana's voice enter my ears as my eyelids completely shut.

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