Chapter 1- Reunite

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Snow's POV~

   "What?" I smiled. "Don't I get a welcome back?" I laughed. This sure as hell will turn into an awkward situation... 

     "How did you...?" Jack's voice trailed off.

    "It was the moon. My spirit wasn't shattered, so it repaired my body. Sorry it took so long..." 

   "Twenty years... I searched everywhere.."

   "I know... Twenty long years..." I paused for a second. "Do you... still have that ice rose?" I asked him.

   "Oh, that? Yeah-" I cut him off by slapping my hand over his mouth. I brought a finger to my lips, signaling for him to be quiet.

   "I hear something," I whispered. Faint, very faint footsteps were heard in the distance. Something was approaching us.

   I left my hand on Jack's mouth. "Come out here, who ever you are. I know you're there..." I yelled. There was no response and Jack gave me a "Are you seriously going crazy?" look.

   I took my hand off his mouth and took a few steps out. "Wait here."

   "Snow, I'm coming with you." Jack followed me.

   "No... Theres something out there and if I'm ambushed, then you're going down, too." I warned. "Just stay back. If I'm attacked, run."

   "Run? Why would I run?" Jack raised an eyebrow. 

   I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. Maybe an obesed zombie might attack me and more might pop out."

   He sighed. "FIne... Just go."

   I stepped out and looked in all directions. "Come on out already, peek-a-boo monster!" I yelled.

   "Sad, sad, sad. You found me already? Good senses you got," a voice said.

   I looked everywhere and saw nobody. "Who are you?" I demanded.

   "Is it not polite to give your name first?" 

   "Damn... My name is... Rainbow Dash!" I lied. (AYEEE guysssss. Its rainbow dash from my little pony XDDDDDD)

   "Nice games. I know you're Snow."

   Then why the hell would you ask me for my name? "Fine.. What's your's?"

   "I have no reason to tell you."

  .......... No comment ........  "Then why are you here?"

   "I'm looking for an ice rose. I suppose you have it."

   I paused. She knows about it? "I don't-"

   "Of course you do." she interrupted me. :You're the one that made it."

   ""No I-" I was cut off by somebody suddenly coming out of the shadows and attacking me. I ended up on the ground with a sword pressed to my neck.

   It was a girl with red eyes and blue hair. The word VAMPIRE immediately came to mind. 

   "Give it to me," she growled. 

   "I don't have it," my voice stayed calm and there was no slight change in tone. After all, I didn't have it, honestly. Jack did.

   "You lie."

   "You really think I would lie in a life-threatening situation?" I smirked. "I think not, VAMPIRE." I spat out the last words in disgust.

   "Snow? Are you there?" I heard Jack's voice in coming closer. His footstepd were obvious.

   That idiot! I told him!

   "Jack! Run!" I yelled at his direction. The girl smiled and got off of me. She dashed forward in Jack's direction. She went faster then  my eye could see.

   Jack appeared with his staff in his hand. The rose wasn't visible. "Snow? What happened?" he gasped.

   A shadow appeared behind him and the girl appeared. She had a knife to his neck and smirked at me. "Give it to me or he'll die," she threatened.

   "Dammit... I don't have it!!!" I cursed under my breath. Damn... At this point, she won't believe anything I say...

   "Oh, really? You want something to happen to this boy?" she pressed the knife to Jack's throat.

Jack's POV~

   "Oh, really? You want something to happen to this boy?" the girl pressed the knife harder onto my throat. I was trying to freeze her, but it wasn't working. It was as if... she couldn't feel anything.

   "I told you I don't have it goddamn it!!!!!!!" Snow yelled at the top of her lungs, hurting my ardrums. She sure has a loud voice.... 

   "Too bad... I thought you did..." 

   I was about to ask what she wanted, but I was interrupted by a pair of fangs piercing my neck.

Snow's POV~

   That vampire creep was sucking Jack's blood! I tackled her before she was able to kill him. "You don't touch him..." I growled.

   I had set my powers to the lowest tempatures, to only find that she wasn't affected. She  lifted her legs up and kicked me in the stomach, sending me back. I did a flip to reduce the impact of the kick.

   "Sorry, I couldn;t help it. He seemed so yummy~ <3" she licked her lips and smiled.

   I wanted to KILL her so bad. I clenched my fists in anger as she disappeared into darkness.

   Jack layed unconcious on the snow covered ground. I slowly walked towards him and checked for any signs of breathing.

   "Jack..." I poked his cheek and he stirred a bit. He turned and looked at me with weak eyes.


   "Shush.. It's going to be ok..." I patted him. At this rate of blood loss, he'll die... I have to do something."Do you still have the ice rose?"

   "Snow.. I'm not letting you-"

   "I'm not going to die... Just give me it." Well, at least not yet anyways.

   "It's... in my pocket..."

   I took it carefully, trying to not make his wound worse. "Just stay quiet now..." I comforted him.

Jack's POV~

   My body felt heavy. I couldn't really move. But most of all, why couldn't I feel anything?

   Snow took the ice rose from my pocket and held it in her hand. Her skin absorbed it and her hand started glowing a light blue.

   "Just go to bed now..." she whispered at me and used the glowing hand to shut my eyes.

   I felt my concious fade once she touched me. 

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