S2C10: Pinkie Promise

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Season 2 Chapter 10

-Pinkie Promise-

Jennie POV

    I rustled awake to see Y/n sleeping next to me. I moved the hair from his face and lightly kissed his forehead.

I feel so bad for him. He had such a rough time last night. He kept waking up. I didn't know how else to help so I just held him and tried to sing to him... It's times like this I wish I had a voice like Rosie's, but I'm doing my best. This is what girlfriend's do, right?

    I kissed him softly again and gently slipped out from the bed to make some coffee. I grabbed my phone and made sure to leave the door open so I could hear if he needed me.

    The house was quiet. An obviously eerie quiet like something wasn't right. Like you know what terrible things happened in a place, but you didn't witness it and the aura from the event lingered. That's when I noticed her room door being opened slightly. I carefully tiptoed over to it and slowly pushed it open.

That feeling from outside the room was worse here. The room looked completely unbothered except for the drawers and closet. The drawers were all still bulged out in varying lengths and the closet was messily opened. But the thing both places of storage had in common, was that they were empty. I could feel the lump in my throat.

She meant a lot to me. I got so close with her recently and I wanted her to meet Ella. They would have made great friends. She was another little sister for Blackpink. She was loved by all of us. She even got close to our manager, but their aunt just took her away... Away from the person that has done literally everything to help her be her best self. I'm going to talk to a lawyer for him and see if there's anything that can be done for him. There has to be something, but with the connections she has, maybe not...


    "It's no use." Y/n said. "She made a name for herself and got her wealth through politics. She was an assistant and did whatever possible to get ahead and she made more connections than I could hope to fight. She'd bury us before we made it to court. That's how she was able to get through all the legal stuff without me even knowing."

    "So, there really isn't anything we could about it? Nothing?" I tried comforting him as much as possible.

    He didn't respond with words, but with a slur of sobs, once again letting it all out.

-Current Time-

    I let out a sigh and turned around, leaving the room and closing the door quietly. I will do my best to make as much money from this comeback as possible so that you can have enough money to at least try to fight her on this. You deserve so much better than this...

    When I entered the kitchen, I carefully prepared coffee as to not make too much noise and wake him up. I got enough to make two cups and got him a cup ready too. All I had to do was put another cup in the machine for him. Before I finished making my cup, he came around the corner of the kitchen rubbing his eyes.

    "Morning, babe..." The sadness in his voice still there.

    "Morning, love." I made my way to him so that I could hug and give him a light kiss. "Have a seat, I made you a coffee."

    I walked over to the cup that I made for myself and stirred it up before setting it in front of him. He picked it up and took a sip as I went back to make the other cup.

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