S1C5: Unnacceptance

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Forbidden: Two Worlds

Season 1 - Chapter 5


Jennie POV

Dropping off the second basket went off without any problems. No one saw us and they seemed to like what we put in it for them. It made me feel happy. Seeing how much relief and happiness I was able to bring them with a few simple things made my heart feel warm. I began wondering if I should tell him that I was the one giving him the baskets but I worry that he may be mad or upset.

It was hard focusing on it though, because my mother had been blowing up my phone ever since we made the donation. She didn't like the idea of me "wasting" so much money on "those people". She always shows her best self to the public, but the moment no one's around she looks down on people. I don't understand how anyone could do that.

She keeps asking me if I'm meddling with some poor guy instead of trying to date an idol or rich businessman. She doesn't seem to understand that it's not healthy for me, or anyone who lives this busy, hectic sort of lifestyle to date. There's so much stress with work alone and we barely even get a chance to practice. I just can't stand being around her as of recent.

She's been bothering me all day yesterday to come visit though, so I decided hanging out for a couple hours wouldn't be that bad. At least I hoped it wouldn't be. She almost gave me away the other day while I was delivering the basket because she was texting me so much.

I sat in the car outside her house and took a deep breath.

"You gonna be okay, Jennie?" My manager asked. "I can come up with something if you want to cancel."

"No, I'll be okay." I sighed. "Just be ready to pick me up when I call, please?"

"Of course." He said with a smile. "Hey, don't let her get you down. You girls did a wonderful thing."

His kind words made me smile before I opened the door and walked up and into my mother's home. Just as I had expected, it started off okay but turned into a scolding session soon enough.

"What were you doing the other night? I visited your dorm and Chaeyoung said you weren't in." She said sternly.

"I was busy with something," I said flatly.

"With what? Hopefully not wasting money on lazy people again." She spat.

"Mom!" I raised my voice. "They're not lazy! Not everyone has the ability or connections to get rich, you know!"

"Excuse me?" She spat out sounding offended. "Anyone can do it, you just need to know the-"

"The right people? Like how you bribed Mr. Yang and I STILL passed training without even needing it? You always think so little of people. Those people are trying their best just to get by!" I roared, admittedly getting annoyed and angry. "I happen to know someone who works incredibly hard just to take care of their family and he barely gets by! He has nothing and he gives way more than you ever would! On top of that, he never expects anything back from anyone!"

"How dare you raise your voice to me, I put you through training to get you where you are." She scoffed.

"No, I worked hard with my sisters to get where I'm at! Don't try to take away from my hard work!" I argued back.

"You're so ungrateful!" She scolded.

"No, you're just controlling and stuck up!" I retorted and began gathering my things.

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