I mentally scolded myself. That's it, I can't stay there any longer. So I got up and went outside.

While waiting, I can't help myself from peek inside. Guess what she did? She wrote my and her nicknames in bread with jam. I smiled at her cuteness.

Within 20 mins, she arranged the table with bread omelette. The smell was good.

I teased her. But she took the plate from me. I absentmindedly said that nowadays she's only acting like my bully.

She got the hint and asked me why I bullied her.

Smart minion!!!

I just tried to distract her. And I used my bullying tone. She became quiet. I tasted the bread omelette!

Yuckkkk🤢🤢! The taste is good but the salt! How much she added!

I asked her and she said 6 spoons so casually and she even asked that is it not enough.

Great! What the heck!

Then only the idea came to my mind! Let her taste her own medical 😈

I did that and the expression on her face is worth😂😂

Then I saw the bread in which she wrote our names. But she cleverly put one over the other. I took and ate it! It belongs to me only! So I ate without even giving her a bit.

Then I said I'll prepare. Thank god! I didn't give her ingredients fully.

I prepared. While preparing, the oil slipped and poured on floor.

So after arranging the table, I asked her not to go kitchen and ask me what ever she need. I went to use washroom.

And when I returned she did the exact opposite of what I said.

She slipped and collided on me. We both rolled on floor. Then after composing ourselves, i asked her what the hell she's doing here.

And guess what's her reply? She said that she thought that I made some special dish only for myself!

Can't she think anything other than food?

Trust me, she's looking like a lean girl but she's a combination of 10 kumbakarnas!! For her, food is anything and everything!

Then we ate our dinner. She asked me about my music career. I said that I'm trying that. She suggested me to upload my works on fb and YouTube!

Uhmm.. Why can't you try posting it in social medias like fb, YouTube like that?

That's when I got the idea. I immediately dragged her to the library which is in first floor. The library has number of computers so we can call puru through Facebook call ryt?

She saw me with a perplexed reaction.

"What are you doing? Why you dragged me here?" She asked me.

"Shut up and just watch!" I said she just rolled her eyes in annoyance.

I turned on the computer and typed facebook in google and typed my fb account. She looked at the screen keenly.

"Wow! Great idea! We're going to call Jaan isn't it?" She asked me like a kid. I nodded.

Then I called him through facebook. The call went missed. He's not in online.

Puru! Please yaar! Come to online!!!

I prayed every god though I'm an atheist. I tried again and again. Yet he didn't came online. So I just sent a message about our situation.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2022 ⏰

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