25. Breaking Bounds

Start from the beginning

But it's gone before he can get his hands on it. Hoseok finds himself standing in the middle of the quiet forest with only the sound of the owls and crickets there to mock him in chorus. He falls to his knees, a series of rumbles exploding from his chest as he laughs at his own stupidity.

He falls asleep under the light of the full moon, surrounded by layers of snow on the forest bed.

"It's an odd time for you to be awake, commander. Something on your mind again?"

Taehyung feels a weight falling beside him on the wooden bench. He tosses Namjoon an absentminded glance for the sake of courtesy before turning back to the cup of tea he's been clasping between his hands, swirling around the liquid like tamed waves.

"I could say the same for you, Namjoon-ssi. If anything, I would've expected to find you in the libraries rather than the dining hall in the middle of the night."

Namjoon chuckles, glancing around the vast, empty room. "I was just walking around, trying to get some peace of mind. The night is the only time when the castle finally slows down, you know? There's not many people to attend to, not many duties I have to complete. I looked through the doors and saw you sitting here on your own like some heartbroken fool so I was hoping that you wouldn't mind some company."

Taehyung lets out a light scoff at that. "Who are you calling heartbroken?" He deadpans, taking another sip of his drink.

"You've been looking significantly dispirited these days, I can tell. Did something happen between you and the princess?"

"Why bother?" Taehyung answers nonchalantly, keeping his gaze down.

The older man grins, propping an arm on the table. Taehyung feels like he's scrutinised, with the way Namjoon is eyeing him with such interest. "Just curious is all. It is my duty as the king's trusted advisor to know everything that's happening around the palace. Rumours, gossip, scandals and such. And you and the princess seem to be getting distant lately. This hasn't happened before."

"You are being way too observant. That's a little creepy, don't you think?" Taehyung says, sparing the other a side glance with his brow raised. "Whatever is happening between me and the princess stays between me and the princess. You need not bother with such insignificant topics such as this. I'm sure you have more important things to do that to snoop around personal affairs."

Maybe that sounded harsher than he intended for it to be, but in Taehyung's defence, it's ass o'clock in the morning and he is not in the mood to try and be more respectful. After all, this time of the day is the only time he can move around the palace without having the need to fake proper courtesy.

But instead of getting offended, Namjoon just lets out a small laugh and shakes his head. "Alright then. Since you intend to keep it a secret, I'll respect that. I won't be nosey just this once."

"Thank you," Taehyung answers. He chugs down the remainder of his tea before standing up to take his leave.

Before he can go however, Namjoon speaks up again. "Take good care of her, commander," he says. "There's nothing more important to his majesty than his daughter's safety. And you are one of the very few people he trusts."

Taehyung looks over his shoulder before letting out a grunt. "There's nothing more important to me than that either."

It's like the whole world came slamming down on top of her as she tries to register the words delivered to her by one of the palace guards.

"What do you mean he's gone?"

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