Chp 7-Wakey Time

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Liam's POV

Twenty minutes after Niall went up to Louis' room with his tea, he still hadn't come down.

"Hey, where's Niall?" I ask.

Zayn and Harry shrug. "I'll go find him," I say before standing. I set my tea down on the coffee table and hop up the stairs. I check Niall's room. Not there. I check the bathroom. Not there. Then I check Louis' room. I open the door as I say, "Niall are-"

I stop myself as I find him asleep with Louis. And might I add, they look quite adorable. Niall's arms wrapped tightly around Louis' chest. Louis is tucked into Niall's grip, looking comfortable. Pink cheeks, slightly ruffled hair, a small smile on both their faces.

If I didn't know better, I'd say they look like a happy couple. All cuddly and in love. But they're just friends... I think...?

I gently close the door, careful not to have it squeak, and head back downstairs.

"Did you find him?" Harry asks.


He looks like he's expecting an answer.


"Sleeping with Louis," a smirk tugs on my lips.

Zayn and Harry chuckle.

When the film ends, Harry and Zayn announce that they're heading to bed.

"I'm staying up a bit longer," I decide.

"Alright, see you tomorrow," Zayn says.

"'Night," Harry waves.

I whip out my laptop and find a new email from Simon. I click it open and it reads:


I hope the first few days of your vacation have been good. If you haven't figured it out yet, there's a couple shops and restaurants down the beach a walk. Anyways, I was emailing you to inform you of some visitors that should be arriving next week. I'm not going to say who, because that wouldn't be much of a surprise... Anyways, enjoy the rest of your vacation.

-Uncle Si"

Visitors? Who could that possibly be? Family? Fans? Friends? I can't wait! But they're coming next week, so I have to wait. Well, it'll be here sooner than we know it. I'll tell the lads tomorrow morning and maybe we'll place bets on who's coming.

A yawn escapes my lips, signaling that I should go to bed. I shut off my laptop and head upstairs. I quietly climb into bed next to Zayn, who's sound asleep with his face smashed against the pillow. Within seconds, I'm out.


In the morning, I'm the first awake, so I start cooking breakfast. Pancakes sound good. I find the ingredients and soon, the batter is sizzling against the hot metal pan.

I hear sloppy footsteps clammer down the stairs and look up to find a tired Zayn.

"Hey, Zayn," I wave the spatula.

He mutters out an incoherent reply before collapsing on the couch. I chuckle and flip the pancakes. Tired man.

As I stack them on plates, Harry appears from upstairs with a smile on his face.

"Why are you so smiley?" I tease.

"I have a date tonight with Cassy!" he chimes in a sing-song voice.

"Oh, fun. Where?"

"I called her this morning and invited her to the splash park," a dorky smile spreads on his face.

Swapping Spit (Nouis) [under editing]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt